Need help getting script to work on PC?


I have a farming script for W8 on the US servers, the only problem I have is that it doesn't like to work on my computer. In total it has only worked 5 times. The script works flawlessly on my mobile phone though, no mistakes at all. I use Opera Mobile and FireFox Mobile as my phone's web browser, and Opera and FireFox as my computer browser, any ideas why this might now be workingon my computer? Thanks! Below is a copy of my script:
javascript:var cook="8502";sp=0;sw=0;ax=0;ar=0;scout=0;lc=5;ma=0;hv=0;cat=0;ra=0;no=0;kn=0;coords="480|527 478|525 478|529 479|529 483|525 479|523 476|525 483|523 482|530 476|524 476|523 483|530 477|522 480|521 484|523 485|526 478|521 485|528 485|529 474|526 474|527 486|527 481|520 481|532 475|522 485|530 480|533 480|519 487|525 487|527 485|531 483|533 477|533 477|519 485|520 472|526 488|527 476|533 488|528 482|518 486|532 488|523 483|518 476|534 472|530 472|522 486|533 473|520 486|519 471|528 487|520 475|534 485|534 483|535 484|535 476|517 481|536 478|536 470|529 487|534 476|516 474|535 491|527 491|530 469|530 470|521 473|535 469|523 483|537 490|520 474|516 472|535 471|534 468|527 481|538 491|531 485|537 469|531 468|528 473|516 487|516 492|529 483|538 468|529 474|537 491|532 492|530 484|538 468|522 471|517 471|535 472|536 488|536 492|531 468|521 485|538 492|521 485|514 481|513 473|514 482|513 467|524 482|539 493|529 477|513 467|523 468|532 471|516 470|517 489|536 467|522 493|522 484|513 485|513 493|531 467|521 479|540 494|525 466|528 493|532 483|512 472|514 488|538 484|512 466|522 467|533 487|513 490|537 470|537 492|517 468|517 479|541 465|522 478|511 495|528 465|528 482|541 474|540 494|520 486|540 474|512 488|539 483|541 469|537 470|538 470|514 473|540 494|519 473|512 494|533 485|541 489|539 475|541 471|539 464|526 479|542 464|527 481|510 464|525 491|538 496|523 464|529 492|537 496|531 475|542 464|531 466|518 482|510 478|542 464|524 474|541 495|532 490|539 470|513 467|516 484|542 489|540 466|517 466|535 471|540 489|512 465|518 497|525 479|543 463|525 496|520 497|528 470|540 483|543 483|509 476|509 464|533 487|542 489|511 465|517 468|513 463|531 475|543 466|515 491|540 488|542 481|508 486|543 462|525 462|527 487|509 463|533 486|508 462|523 462|529 477|544 496|517 489|510 462|530 491|511 491|541 498|521 475|508 497|518 496|516 480|545 499|526 494|513 466|513 467|540 468|511 465|538 463|517 499|523 473|544 462|519 487|544 498|519 461|530 491|542 496|515 476|545 461|521 488|544 498|534 497|536 463|516 490|543 470|543 495|513 495|539 474|545 496|538 479|506 462|517 489|544 477|506 491|543 473|507 497|537 500|522 484|506 466|511 466|541 498|536 462|516 470|544 472|545 475|546 475|506 472|507 492|509 460|532 480|547 480|505 481|547 501|527 501|525 459|527 491|544 459|528 498|515 499|515 461|537 460|519 487|546 465|511 483|505 477|547 494|542 466|542 501|522 501|530 493|543 490|545 461|536 499|516 470|545 490|507 461|516 488|546 472|546 472|506 460|534 485|547 468|544 486|547 459|520 496|541 471|546 496|511 471|506 465|542 ";var%20doc=document;if(window.frames.length>0)doc=window.main.document;url=document.URL;if(url.indexOf("screen=place")==-1)alert("This%20script%20needs%20to%20be%20run%20from%20the%20rally%20point");coords=coords.split("%20");index=0;farmcookie=document.cookie.match("(^|;) ?"+cook+"=([^;]*)(;|$)");if(farmcookie!=null)index=parseInt(farmcookie[2]);if(index>=coords.length)alert("last village");if(index>=coords.length)index=0;coords=coords[index];coords=coords.split("|");index=index+1;cookie_date=new%20Date(2015,11,11);document.cookie =cook+"="+index+";expires="+cookie_date.toGMTString ();doc.forms[0].x.value=coords[0];doc.forms[0].y.value=coords[1];insertUnit(doc.forms[0].spear,sp);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].knight,kn);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].marcher,ma);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].archer,ar);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].snob,no);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].sword,sw);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].axe,ax);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].spy,scout);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].light,lc);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].heavy,hv);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].ram,ra);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].catapult,cat);end();
EDIT: Also, I do it the bookmark way, not the in-game toolbar way.
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