Nobbling Techniques

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Can anyone tell me how some people noble a village every 1-3 days?(at like 20k Points)

Any techniques on how to noble as much villages in the least amount of time will be appreciated.

P.s. I'd appreciate the response in English since it's an AMERICAN server =D


It's really quite simple, though tedious. The answer is, have at least half of your villages offensive, and have emphasis on LC and axes. Clear any weak players around you, and attack other players/barbarians CONSTANTLY to get more res to mint more coins.


thanks for the reply =P

And i'm amazed someone like yourself answered my question =P

I strangely find my self looking at your profile every so often.


The fundamental way behind nobling is to reduce to loyalty below or equal to 0. Now noble men can lower the loyalty between 20-35 so it could take between 3-5 successive nobles to conquer a village. However, loyalty increases over time dependant on world speed, therefore, a common technique it to send a "train" this is 4/5 attacks containing a nobleman within a short period of time.

That's the common way, Common Way told you how to build your village to be able to be successful in that aspect.


The fundamental way behind nobling is to reduce to loyalty below or equal to 0. Now noble men can lower the loyalty between 20-35 so it could take between 3-5 successive nobles to conquer a village. However, loyalty increases over time dependant on world speed, therefore, a common technique it to send a "train" this is 4/5 attacks containing a nobleman within a short period of time.

That's the common way, Common Way told you how to build your village to be able to be successful in that aspect.

I didn't take the time to explain what a noble is and how it works since he DID say in the 20K + stage... (that means they have multiple villages :p)

But yes, generally the top players will wait until they have 4 nobles in order to noble a longer distance and to take a far better village than one very close to your original. For example, the first village I nobled was larger than my first village, (3500 points compared to 3700) and because it was a good distance away, I made it offense as well. Assuming your new village has good farms, I'd recommend only starting on def villas after you have 2 offs.
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