PERV declares war on Vets


Ohh so perv is the reason they denied my application :p i tried to take them up on their offer of teaching some new people, apparently they were in a war so couldn't. I thinki found out why :p Thanks OSP :p
Why did you not apply to my team :(


Didn't think you'd be interested in taking in the 100 point nobody that was me at the time :p Nice wars though, i've read through the history of this world, seems to revolve around you and PERV alot :p


Everything revolves around me when I am in the place :p (Sorry Noise. :p)

I have a habbit of getting attention generally not good attention but hey.


Yes i noticed that last bit :p Though some seems undeserved for the most part, i must say though, you do make wars look easy, always 24-0 or 35-3 or some such numbers, its hard to tell if you and PERV are just pros, or if everyone else here really sucks :p but judging from some players here i know not everyone else sucks (before i get majorly attacked by noise, nauz or any number of the better-than-me players who may take that as an insult :p)


PERV is not pro's I can tell you that

We do have some experienced people on the team an some newer people like just today since Vets actually decided to attack back after 3 weeks of war one of my members is getting his first ever inbound attack on TW. Its not that we are pro its just that people are not fighting back on this server as much as they should. I am happy to see VETS fight back I hope they have a good wave against us not that I think they will but I hope they do. and as the leader of PERV I can tell you I am not satisfied with our war stats because I feel we can do better then we have. We have things to correct on an things to improve on so those stats mean nothing to me other then they got us a win but they are not good enough yet PERV can do better.

I look forward to seeing the stats from the PERV VETS war after tomorrow morning when they land their first op


Yes, yes, yes :D. Great tribe noob's : D I can not wait to come all the Pervez me and attack me. You sit and you watch with deep admiration. That way, to see how you can play with noob's


Oh so no-one really retaliates? strange, though that does explain alot I've seen since i got to the .us server. Well its nice to see you don't have a super big head and are honest with the reasons why you are winning! I only regret i didn't join this server sooner and could have joined in the fun.


Oh I have a big head .... wait sorry I meant ego

So your still not going to apply to perv :( I feel so unloved now... the worst I could say is no :p


Lol oh fair enough then :p just holding out hope that ill have reason to be big headed..sorry, big ego-ed...about this one day XD


Well they landed there first wave against PERV...
I must say though the timing of their attacks was great about 150 attacks out of the 200 they sent (Yes a lot of fakes where in) all landed at the same time. Very nice Vets but sorry it wasnt enough


PERV has not lost a village to there first wave but it was a great effort


I must say I was impressed after seeing all their attacks land within a reasonable time window, but I guess that it was our fault that their wave didn't go that well, the stacking was pretty impressive for a tribe that is said to be OFF.
And btw Vets, before you come here and call us turtles, please do look at the war stats, your ODD is twice as big as ours, and our ODA 3x bigger then yours...
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Wow thats quite a nice change there, i was only expecting the low 40's of nobled, you must be breaking them quicker than i thought :D


yeah its an awful lot of Defense we are pounding threw but its starting to crack


they are starting to give up after failing there first wave miserably against us. Plus we figured we should teach them how to take a village cause they seem to struggle on that aspect of the war :p


Haha :L either way it seems to be going very well for PERV, won't be long before you try and invade my K D:


:p well by my K i mean the K i am in not that i own the K :p (yet ;D)


Well I must give VETS kudos on their OP, they had pretty decent times for the most part. Problem was, it was their first OP against us, and most OP's at the beginning have less success rate due to having to fight through so much defense.

Either way it was good to see some incomings ... soon, we will see more :D


Lol gratz on surviving the first wave, just waiting now to see who will fire the last wave, though i think i can have a good, educated guess :L