Problems with Searching for Co-players


I've seen an increase in the postings of people from other servers looking for co-players that they will then take to other servers.

My issue with this is that the postings have NOTHING to do with this server and have nothing to do with half of the world forums that they are posting these requests in. It bothers me that people use our server as a ground to find co-players that they may then take away from the server. I understand if someone needs a co-player and goes about finding one while playing on the server, but only using the forums to advertise for other servers is rather annoying and stupid in my eyes.

So, to get to the point I simply ask that we not allow the advertisement of co-playing on other servers. If someone is going to join the forums solely to attempt to take players away from this server and to another one their presence on the forum isn't needed.



I totally agree on this subject. I am Portuguese and only got co-player from America because i play worlds here.



I personally don't have an issue with it. It isn't taking players away from here. The spamming of every forum isn't appropriate. However lots of players play more than one version, if players are coming to post here, persuade them to play here instead, their posts aren't really causing any harm.


I personally don't have an issue with it. It isn't taking players away from here. The spamming of every forum isn't appropriate. However lots of players play more than one version, if players are coming to post here, persuade them to play here instead, their posts aren't really causing any harm.


Plus other servers have players asking for co's to play with them here, so it's a two way street.

And Marc, please don't make the obvious joke ._.


If you don't agree with the spamming of forums that don't relate to other server co-playing why don'y you have it enforced? A vast majority of every world specific recruitment posts are about co-playing on different servers.

Not only is it annoying and in the wrong section, but its also against the rules considering the fact it doesn't follow the guidelines for world specific recruitment.


I'm sorry, but where did this policy come from??? I could have sworn 6-12 months ago on this server, any thread about anything not related to this server (except off topic and whatever) was removed...


You can sworn all you want and i back you up... I just saw three different posts in Player Market where a moderator told players that those were for looking co-players for THIS server .us and not others...

If this is not against the rules then please write it there on the rules perhaps:)



The system changed, and improved, with the improvement of CM choice.

This is the most recent post in Player Market I could find that was locked for asking for a co for another server.

Funnily enough, over a year ago.

I'd say that there is little argument being put forth if the most recent evidence that is readily available is over 1 year old and there have been big changes since then (ie, Community Manager change).

Personally I'd be more bothered at people being taken away from this server owing to a lack of interest in playing on this server for other reasons, than by the odd post.


That is your opinion... Asking for a co-player from this server to play another server that eventually ,as i understand from your words,
Googly said:
Personally I'd be more bothered at people being taken away from this server owing to a lack of interest in playing on this server for other reasons, than by the odd post.
would have more players or better competition is a way of loosing players if you ask me that is why i keep my opinion as i think it would be better to not allow those co-playing...

It is just my opinion. I´ll keep it.


If you don't agree with the spamming of forums that don't relate to other server co-playing why don'y you have it enforced? A vast majority of every world specific recruitment posts are about co-playing on different servers.

Not only is it annoying and in the wrong section, but its also against the rules considering the fact it doesn't follow the guidelines for world specific recruitment.

I didn't say I didn't agree with it. I am saying only one post is necessary.

If this is not against the rules then please write it there on the rules perhaps:)


Why would we include in the rules, what is not against the rules?

It was my decision to allow these posts, with a view to reviewing if they became problematic. In terms of taking players away, the forum is hardly super active as it is, even if a few players read the posts and decided to play another server. It's highly likely they would still remain here also. It isn't detrimental to in-game, if anything just promotes more forum activity :p


Why would we include in the rules, what is not against the rules?

Point! My bad.. i agree on that.

It was my decision to allow these posts, with a view to reviewing if they became problematic. In terms of taking players away, the forum is hardly super active as it is, even if a few players read the posts and decided to play another server. It's highly likely they would still remain here also. It isn't detrimental to in-game, if anything just promotes more forum activity :p


Either way i really don´t see much point but ok! lloll...


In regards to the original intent of this thread, (which I personally haven't really seen as an issue in the forums) I do believe that any posts in the "recruitment" section of a world really should only apply to the world it is under. Doing otherwise should be considered spam and appropriately dealt with, either with deletion or by relocating such a thread to a more appropriate section.

Again, I have no specific instances in which anyone has advertised for a different server or world, but if they do exist, that is how I feel they should be dealt with.