Such a tragedy ....


It is indeed a very sad day today for the United States.

Most of you will be aware of the tragedy that has enfolded.

Today, 20 children, 6 teachers and staff, and 1 unidentified adult were killed by a shooter who subsequently killed himself. The shooting took place at an elementary school in Connecticut.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to anyone affected by this terrible shooting, and the Tribalwars.US Team's hearts and prayers go out to the victims of this horrific tragedy.

Please join with us to offer your thoughts, prayers and/or condolences to those effected.

News report

President Obama's speech

With sincere respect,

Aliyah and the .US Tribalwars Team.


Today, a doctor died. A lawyer died. A physicist died. The person who could've cured cancer, destroyed AIDS, saved people by preventing a war; that person died.

The 20 children killed today in Connecticut were full of boundless potential; the type that could've led them to be anyone and anything they wanted. The sadness of the loss is only compounded by their innocence and the lack of motive behind the action. Never should such a thing occur, and President Obama was right in saying that today, our hearts are broken.

We feel this pain everyday, because everyday more lives are lost to murder, disease, war, and famine. Every day the potential of greatness is taken from those who suffer and die. As one of the largest school shootings in history, the children who survived are what I give thanks for. The fact that lives were lost is always a sadness, and not one I forget. However, I am extraordinarily thankful in my sadness that there were children like the 6-year old who grabbed classmates and urged them to run out of the room with him when the gunman burst in and shot his teacher without a word. I am thankful that teachers, who were fearful themselves, told the children to hide in a corner, away from any stray bullets that might make it through walls. I am thankful that there are people, from teachers to those as young as innocent elementary school students, that would've and did place themselves in danger to help others.

Reading these stories already emerging, my heart really is broken. I can only hope that the world doesn't forget these children and the countless more that die daily, and that the world works to ensure something like this never happens again in any city, state, or country.