Thank You DT/Loooveee


For those of you who don't know. DT disbanded today. I just wanted to thank the players of DT, and Loooveee. Why you might ask? Well this has been my first world back since W86 on .net. My three goals this world was to 1) Have fun of course. 2) Livin up the forums and the world. 3) Make the world interesting.

I can say we did that. From the start of the world there was tension and Drama. From the start of the world DT wanted to kill EX as much as EX wanted to kill DT. For the first world in years, we had a fight for a world. Rather then recruiting, or diplomatically winning the world. Which to each their own but that is not how EX wanted to do it this world.

From the start this worlds forums were already more active then any other world.


From the start the world had more fight to it. With 4 tribes being close up till about 1M. W35 was the most fun I have had on any world, any server since W80 on .net.

So again, thank you Loooveee for making this as exciting as it was. Thank you DT for pushing us during start up to try and keep up with you guys. Thank you!


Jimmy - you are most welcome for everything, you know I was always looking for good war. Sorry if I disappointed you somewhere lol. it was good couple of months of the world. I did apologies to all of my players privately and I do appreciate their friendship and time they donated for me on world 35.

I just want to know some stuff for my own interest, if you would explain me some stuff that would be awesome! It might help with forum activity and just might start new conversations that hopefully will be constructive and without trolling) unless Turk will be here typing sentence by sentence all separated by hitting enter 2 times and taking half of page on talking about lies...

Can u please any chance explain what happen between EX and tribes: -DMG- and simple and W!N?
like would you mind sharing back ground of EX relationship with those tribes guys?
I am just very curious

also, how many players from DT was sent invites to the EX? and how many people in DT did you try to recruit personally?
and on other hand how many invites were sent to EX members from DT and how many people did I try to recruit from EX that u are aware of?

since DT was disband, I am keep hearing lots of stuff about world 35 and how EX operated, and I do not want to take anything from Cali, Fluffy, Chill, Sierra, Sigis and their hard work they put into the game and high level of team work coordination. they have and also I do not want to assume anything.

It is little bit frustrating that you were always seeking fair game and fair chance but here Max literally backstabbed and spied and his play style is very shady and dirty and how he admitted looking for easy win and how he was not cooperating or doing anything for the DT while being in DT and suddenly his actions are fair and you are just so content with it while you are trying to promote completely different values that every player should have in this game. I am not trying to accuse you of double standarts but if you have time can you please elaborate?

I appreciate your time!


Can u please any chance explain what happen between EX and tribes: -DMG- and simple and W!N?
like would you mind sharing back ground of EX relationship with those tribes guys?
I am just very curious

I can answer this one if you wish. With regards to W!N.

Nothing happened.......we never attacked DT or EX. We never supported DT or EX. We’re a rim tribe, that war was between THE two core tribes.

We were approached by EX at one stage to partake but nothing came of it. Same as we were approached by DT several times to join and again, nothing ever came of it.

Leave us out of your conspiracy theories. You’ll just keep missing the board.


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Can u please any chance explain what happen between EX and tribes: -DMG- and simple and W!N?

I can speak for DMG. We had a NAP at one point that was canceled by EX around the time they took in Max. EX had a friendly relationship with the old leader of DMG and ended up recruiting her. From my perspective, the only reason EX was ever neutral to DMG was because of that personal relationship and the plan to eventually take her in. Additionally, it's worth noting that as a rim tribe that lived in their shadow, we weren't worth any attention while there were DT fish to fry, and we were content to have time to grow and consolidate after the old leader left us behind. In our calculation, we fully expected DT to be a counterweight to EX and we were just trying to buy enough time to get to a size where we could be valuable to either side. I'm not an idiot, I knew what EX's long term plans were for us. (Seen the mails too.) But based on the geography of the world and other factors outside our control, we executed the only play we had. When DT fell apart, so too did any potential leverage we were attempting to build towards.

It's been a very disappointing world.
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I don't mind answering all of your questions.

We had no diplomacy with Simple, or W!N. No promises to ether.

Simple we told we would leave them be and focus on DT, IF key word IF they can hold DT south and away from the K45 boarder. They couldn't and infact DT nobled pretty much every simple village in K55 within a 72 hour window. So we took action and rimmed them from K45 too so we can prevent DT from pushing into K45 through the rim.

DMG we had a NAP with, which we intended to drop after Belle joined us but we waited a bit longer as we had no reason to target them while DT was still around. After our first op, and DT falling apart we didn't feel comfortable keeping a NAP when it was no needed. Wasted diplomacy. So we did what we promised them and gave them a 48 hour cool down. Stating we still had no intentions in attacking them and that we just didn't want the NAP anymore. We have still yet to attack them outside of one member sending 1 axe at them to get the 250 players attack achievement.

As for recruiting, only three players I ever reached out to was
Kitten at start up, told he she should restart K44 and join us. More of a joking manner as I knew she wouldn't. At the time DT had 400k and we only had about 180-200k.

Max, and Mura, recruited after they left.

SINCE DT has disbanded, we have still not recruited anyone. I offered Triple Threat to come co-player, and offered RUSerious to come co-play after we rimmed him. But that was it as far as recruiting goes. I did tell Reign we would consider him when he asked if he could join but told him he should focus on the rim for now.

As for DT recruiting my members. Both Sweet Dreams, cali, and I believe fluffy were asked to leave and join CT/4horse by Max before he left. I also know you personally tried to recruit harvest, and Karmil. So thats 4 players your tribe tried to recruit that I know it. I am sure there are more :)

As for Bonfire, we are not doing anything but thanking DT, and I meant it. This is the most fun I have had playing this game in a long time. It will also be one of my last worlds for a while. So I am glad I got to spend it on a world with great players. Or as dase would say "Average at best" players :)


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This has nothing to do with the discussion, but is all that bolding really necessary? I'm nearly blind halfway through the last post. It's really rough on the ole peepers with this particular background. Or is part of the plan to blind everyone on this world so we can't see what we're doing in the game anymore? I dunno, that'd be pretty ingenious if it were true.

Like, a super long shot, but creative nonetheless.


Reaction score
This has nothing to do with the discussion, but is all that bolding really necessary? I'm nearly blind halfway through the last post. It's really rough on the ole peepers with this particular background. Or is part of the plan to blind everyone on this world so we can't see what we're doing in the game anymore? I dunno, that'd be pretty ingenious if it were true.

Like, a super long shot, but creative nonetheless.

Yeah, good hell Jimmy! Feel free to use normal text like everyone else please.


i did not try to recruit Harvester, I did chatted with him for some time and that's all.
from what i understood he solve his issues that he had, and Mario told me to simply mail Karmil and just try to understand what the hell is wrong with that dude, but as I told Mario there are just some special kind and even simple conversation wont take place between us, and i was right.
however Jimmy, I asked you how many people from DT you tried to invite, and come on there were more then just Kitten, Max, Mura and possibly Reign)
anyhow it is what it is =D


False, not sure what other members of DT have told you. But those are the only ones.

Triple I asked to co-play, RUserious I asked to co-play. As for recruiting I made it perfectly clear we had no interest in recruiting anyone else besides Max and Mura. Said that since they join. So not sure what you have been told or who is telling you but its not true :)