the return./SaVaGe


:noblemen:The Gentlemen Club:noblemen:

Hello everybody and welcome to a quick analyse of what happened the last days between these two ;)

First of all lets clarify some things here :
- i am lenny, co-player of the return. and this is only my own personal text about this... just an opinion with some facts
some of you may know me as a part of the ghio1 account... we won the last HP-round on .net and 2 classic-rounds on masters
- i dont wanna hear comments about my english, im not native speaker
- my account didnt play once for prem on this server, all pp we got was through the great new feature where you can sell ress for pp on the market... thats why we cut the time of smithy ;)
- the return. has 4 co-players

Why did this happen and what is the history about this?

Well, I never played .us before, so i dont have a clue what happened on other servers, but what i heard is that ramon (co from our acc) and the whole tribe SaVaGe had some difficulties on .us s12 and thats why they planned an op on us.

Another reason why they would attack us, was that we were 1,5k points (3,5points/rank2 2k points) in front and already had an academy what made us able to noble and SaVaGe knew that we played only off, so we couldnt defend ourselves...

Its very risky to play like we did and in every normal case our account would be history and we already were about to quit, but as soon as we saw the reports we noticed that we can win this... even tho SaVaGe is a 30people tribe, they are a bunch of noobs, pretending to be good...

the only good player of SaVaGe is Wopperbee and thats only because of Shmuel... shmuel is one of the best players on this server, but sadly chose the wrong path haha
when you read this shm: ;)


when they first sent attacks i thought they will send good stuff... many troops, good timing and all that kind of stuff, but what i got made me depressive:

we asked some people around for deff (not the coolest way, but it works) and we easily killed nearly all their off and the sad part is we didnt even lose any of our nuke... we have way more troops then this...

as you can see SaVaGe didnt work as a tribe, because only 3 guys attacked at random uncoordinated incoming-times and also with small troops... we dont know if they at least stacked the 3 players who attack, because we never backtimed... why should we? running into the deff of 20 people for killing 200 axe? no sence ;)

another highlight was a fake-train, what made me cry inside...
the timing of the fake-train was at least ok, BUT the train was:

1) sword-speed... how can you ? :(
2) from a 1,5k vill (you are normally not able to noble before 2,5-3,5k points


at the end of the battle which lasted for 2-3 days, SaVaGe lost a lot of troops, we didnt lose any of our off-troops, because we got deff from some nice guys (as i said... getting deff from other players in bad situations isnt my style and its not cool, but as you can see it works out, so its legit)

SaVaGe posted a lot of stupid things in the forum and now you can see its not true...
yes we lost some points and building, but they are rebuilt already ;)

our tribe Snobs wont go down like many people say it... we like to have not many people in the tribe, but the few we have are really good ;)

some special words to my friends:
asderf200 :smack:
lewis398 :smack:
AziDahaka :smack:
SaVaGe :smack:

i hope i didnt forgot anything, if yes ill edit this post... if you have any questions, add me up on skype:

:noblemen:The Gentlemen Club:noblemen:

the return. ; ghio1


you have way to much time on your hands...must be another player's turn to watch the account.


As if this took hours..

And it's pretty ridiculous to pretend that having a lot of players on an account is an insult.


you have way to much time on your hands...must be another player's turn to watch the account.

Why because he gave a well thought out response about a current situation going on in w14...? I guess.

Thought it was informative I don't know how I feel about recruiting members to the tribe for D but as long as the members are treated with respect and not cast off when they have no further use I don't see the problem. I really think the return account came out on top in all of this, I thought savage did a strategic play and ultimately helped the world out by catting the account down, but did poor on the follow up and probably stunted their own growth sending those runs back and forth losing a lot if not all their O.


Awesome. Im glad you didn't get catted down to nothing. They really are noobs.



you have way to much time on your hands...must be another player's turn to watch the account.

You should appoint yourself to this thread Click here

As for your post Ghio, it is not that surprising I know first hand that you are a fantastic player who never gives up. Seeing you get rimmed on TS2, then coming back to being number one in the world was pretty incredible.

I know you guys will be fine and glad to see that you survived their strategic attack.

~ Pursuit of Happiness


Sorry, being on 24/7 with 4+ players takes no skill and ruins the game ( MY OPINION ).

Why am I even getting in a button clicking argument...I'm going back to the fps


I have to disagree. Having a great co or 2 (or in this case 3, = 4 altogether) ... is just like having yourself all of the time without having to rely on a sitter, but SHHHHHHHHHHH come in close here......... real quiet like............................. I'll tell you..... Here's the secret:

..................................You get 12-16 hours of your day back....... your life back..... to SLEEP.... and do other shit....

Sounds like a sweet deal. Id go in for that and think it awesome if I had some talented opponents. About that.... im not so sure there is that kind of talent on this world.... maybe... Id take a co for my account though and as always anyone who wants one can have an experienced sitter. No more than 3 at a time though.

Sorry, got off topic.



Lenny, please stop saying things that you have no idea about.

"The only reason WopperBee is a good account is because of Shmuel"

Shmuel barely played w12 and guess who is rank 1 there? me, even though I started close to 1 month late.

Shmuel IS however playing on w14, and as you can see, we are not doing as hot here.

So, I ask again, please inquire before you speak. Just because you know Shmuel from another world, and have co-played with him, does not mean a thing about this account or this server, and for you to say something like that is ignorant and just chilsish.

Next, to get the thread back on topic:

Here is my conversation with WE's leader who's tribe is supporting you.

WopperBee Feb 13, 22:12
Why are supporting The Return?

He is using people now that we started catapulting him, take it from the rank 1 on w12.

I know his kind, the second we get intimidated by his growth we launch an operation on him, and then he goes and invites 2, 500-points players near him and gets a whole tribe to support him.

I don't know if you understand what I am saying, but it is not a good move for you or your tribe.

Now he is accepting players that he would never have accepted and getting whole tribes just to support him.

I don't know what he promised you, but don't take it.
What good does it to for you and your tribe?

I will give you a different offer though:

Band together with us, and we will all take him down together!

If you want to talk more or have any questions mail me back


DatFaceDoe Feb 14, 06:06
This is news to me, thanks we will end the alliance with him. Go ahead and add my tribe as well as my sister tribe we II as an alliance.

I don't think you told him the whole situation...
Way to go...

Here is my conversation with one of the players you recruited to support you:

WopperBee Feb 12, 19:44
The return is using you. He is losing a bunch of levels because he is getting catted. You think he invited you because you are a great player? He kicked players with 1000 + Points because they didn't have enough. He is using you, will use all defense, and still will get all buildling cattted to the ground. Get off that train wreck. Your 500 point friend as well. He is getting desperate.

sofa-king-cool Feb 12, 22:49
I've played for years and have been the winner in a few worlds. But yes you are right I'm sure

sofa-king-cool Feb 12, 22:53
You guys are well organized. Well done

sofa-king-cool Feb 12, 23:03
I'm the only not hacked one In This tribe lol

WopperBee Feb 12, 23:04
Not hacked? :D what does that mean? XD

sofa-king-cool Feb 12, 23:08
Just what I said. Don't you think it's weird people grow that fast. It's easy just takes the fun out of it. Better get nobles soon he's got another tribe supporting him soon

WopperBee Feb 12, 23:11
Well no, he is not hacking, he just has many co players that farm and so do the other players. Then send light cavalry out to plunder resources from other villages rather than build resource mines and have different people log in and send them out to plunder in small groups. This account does the same thing. thank you for the information though. We will be launching many attacks soon. Can you tell me which tribe is supporting???

sofa-king-cool Feb 12, 23:16
There are two. If I leave the tribe ill tell ya. I just don't turn on the tube I'm with, even if its crap tribe lol

sofa-king-cool Feb 13, 00:22
OCR I leave ill give ya all the Info ya want. Thank you again for the heads up on being used

sofa-king-cool Feb 13, 17:27
The tribe WE and we2

WopperBee Feb 13, 18:15
No problem xD

I will talk to those tribes right now.

These players did not know what they were getting into when you spoke to them.
You are taking advantage of players and not telling them the whole situation.

Why else would a a whole tribe support you and then the leader does not even know what is happening.
I suppose you spun a big net of lies and it will all come crashing down on you very soon.



This game is basically about being a general, a great tactician, and destroying your opponents and rewarding your friends with mutual strength. If they can get people to support them... AWESOME! GREAT! That means they are good.

If you can stop those people from supporting him... AWESOME! PERFECT! Do it.

Since this game has "War" in the title we can go ahead and skip the first rule of war and go to war. But the next rule of war is basically now that you are at war, you must do whatever it takes to win.

Ive been in worlds where the politics were so complex you could manipulate a continent over just by talking, and not once in a while, but every... single... day...

I can hardly believe only 5 people have posted a response in the skype thread for this world.


Lenny, please stop saying things that you have no idea about.

"The only reason WopperBee is a good account is because of Shmuel"

Shmuel barely played w12 and guess who is rank 1 there? me, even though I started close to 1 month late.

Shmuel IS however playing on w14, and as you can see, we are not doing as hot here.

So, I ask again, please inquire before you speak. Just because you know Shmuel from another world, and have co-played with him, does not mean a thing about this account or this server, and for you to say something like that is ignorant and just chilsish.

Next, to get the thread back on topic:

Here is my conversation with WE's leader who's tribe is supporting you.

I don't think you told him the whole situation...
Way to go...

Here is my conversation with one of the players you recruited to support you:

These players did not know what they were getting into when you spoke to them.
You are taking advantage of players and not telling them the whole situation.

Why else would a a whole tribe support you and then the leader does not even know what is happening.
I suppose you spun a big net of lies and it will all come crashing down on you very soon.


1) im tired and im going to bed soon and im really excited to see the posts here tomorrow :)

2) whatever haim i dont know you, but when i texted with you, you acted like someone who thinks hes the greatest and who is arrogant like nothing... shmuel is the best of you guys, because its necessary to be open-minded and respectful to win.. its a game of war and communication is always a big part of war...
but even if shm and me are friends we are fighting against each other on this server, because he we met here randomly as enemies and at the end of the day this is just a fun game and you play to have fun and i have to say i have a lot of fun at the moment

+ how poor of you is it to bring your own co down anyway haha i dont care how good you are... your social-skills are simply not there... shm is a great guy is i said a lot of times and i dont get why he would play with a noob like you... you are attacking your own co in the externals and make him look bad... i mean whats wrong with you?

and stop showing off your "skills"... if we begin doing this, you would look like a noob... well, you are a noob :smack:

i hope shmuel doesnt play s12, because what i see there is tribe-hugging big time... 72 members in your tribe... i mean thats just sad

here a link for everybody:
this is what makes me upset... you think youre good and rank1 and all that stuff... with 72 members haha
our account and our whole tribe (hello to everyone from Snobs, i love you guys :truelove:) we are trying something new on .us ... something not many would risk, we make a small tribe of good players (we have not more then 10) instead of 72 like you on s12
you also have freaking 30+ members already and want to cooperate with other tribes like you said above?
thats just a big big noob-move :smack:

3) to ask other players for deff isnt my style and i dont like it that much, but its useful...
i didnt write any messages of the above, but someone from my acc did and i take the responsibility ;) its a great move to do it, even tho its not the coolest...
at the end when you guys either are destroyed or we destroyed you (lets see what the future holds for us) ill check who supported us and if we won the battle ill give them ress and help ;)

the return. ; ghio1


Love this stuff Starts singing: why cant we be friends, why cant we be friends

This has been very entertaining in this boring as@ world. I want to start taking bets on this, I got 10pp on Snobs coming up on top.


One single thing that amazes me: the count of the troops in those reports. Everything besides that, nonsense.


Obviously you don't know me or Shmuel well.

He is not my co, he is my brother in rl...

Seriously? LOL


So.... he co-plays the account with you on your computer? And he is your brother?

And you talked shit about him...?


Obviously you don't know me or Shmuel well.

He is not my co, he is my brother in rl...

Seriously? LOL

he told me that his brother plays in the acc too some days ago, but i never asked who it is because i dont care...

still sad, that you bring your own brother down in the externals isnt it :p even more sad then if it would be a co :smack:



"all's fair in love and war"
victory is all that matters, how you achieve that victory is immaterial

our account and our whole tribe (hello to everyone from Snobs, i love you guys :truelove:) we are trying something new on .us ... something not many would risk, we make a small tribe of good players (we have not more then 10) instead of 72 like you on s12
you also have freaking 30+ members already and want to cooperate with other tribes like you said above?
thats just a big big noob-move :smack:
A) we did that on world 10... failed. the actual return quit on me (when we were rank 1) so i quit his account and restarted with my own account after the tribe fell apart.
B) as i've said before how you achieve victory is all that matters, having a 30+ person tribe is not a noob move if played correctly (me i'ld just use the rest of the tribe personally)
C) "cooperating" or as i call it using other tribes is smart...


Yea about that sword train. I was testing a new browser/settings set up from mobile, figured I'd pester you. Apparently I need to keep those settings.