TW CV - Needs Your Help!


Hey US forum. My friend begged me to post this on the .us forum since he doesn't want to make an account over here.

Hi guys, I basically had this idea randomly pop into my head whilst watching a documentary about jobs. Here's my idea:

-A comprehensive site where players can fill out forms detailing past experiences on tw etc, then turning this into a 'CV', much like the player sig pictures
-CVs can be rated by other players
-People can post accounts with their own 'CV' and other people can contact them about co-playing
-Easy to sort into different worlds and servers
-Premade tribes can have their own 'CV'

It's quite a unique idea but I would need some people to help me pull this one off, so the following positions are available:

Project Head: M40A3 Disciple
Chief Coder: ---
Coder #1: M40A3 Disciple
Other Coders: -----
Graphic Designer: ---

Overall I think this site would add immensly to the tw experience, so if anyone is interested at all please add me on skype: thezerex


M40A3 Disciple.


I actually really like this idea, and although I would love to help, I don't code and I wouldn't know what the Graphic Designs would include.

It would be great if it could also be implemented more into TW as well, e.g, links to CV's on profile pages and instead of mails to ask to be invited send a 'CV' with message to the recruiter of the tribe. I wish you luck in the project anyway :).


Interesting post there, I like the thought that has gone into this. Although i cannot be a big help to this due to other duties, i would be happy to look over it every now and again to give some advice where needed.


Any help would be great. If anyone wants to help in even a small way just add me on skype at still.runnin98 or just add the guy in charge.


Added you on skype, possibly interested in helping with the coding depending on the language that's going to be used.