Valentine's Day Is Here!

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For all you love-happy couples out there (and you single birds like me!), Valentine's Day is coming up :D. Now, whether you love the holiday or hate it, Tribalwars would like to wish you all a good day, and give you a chance to make it even better! As a result, we are holding a Valentine's Day dual-competition!

Before we get into how to win, let's talk about what you do win for each of the two competition portions. The prizes are the same for both competitions, meaning a total of 2,400 premium points will be given out in these amounts.


1st place: 600 per competition
2nd place: 400 per competition
3rd place: 200 per competition

Both competitions will run from February 8th, 2012 (today) to February 15th, 2012.

So, what are the competitions, I'm sure you're asking! Don't worry, you can enter both competitions :)!

Competition 1: Heart-Making

It is your job to create love, in this competition! No, we don't mean create love literally, but we want you to make a heart!

Competition 1 will consist of you having 1 full week from the day this is posted to create as close to a heart-shaped group of villages of yours as possible! For Worlds 1, 2, 3, and 4, you have one week to get as close to a heart-shaped group of villages as possible. By February 15th, you can submit a picture of your villages (taken from twstats), and draw a heart around them in paint/GIMP/photoshop to help us see it :). We realize that World 5 is so new, it would be much more difficult for the majority of the world to noble in such a way, so we will allow you to kick/add players for the duration of the competition to make a heart-shaped tribe for submission!

If you have any questions on how the competition works, how to submit pictures, how to get pictures, or anything else, feel free to contact me by private message and I will be more than happy to answer :).

Competition 2: Feel the Love

In competition 2, you will have a chance to participate on the forums and get prizes for it! This competition is very simple, and anyone can do it. Obviously, you must have a forum account for this competition, but creating one is very simple so long as you have a game account. If you have any questions on how, you can contact me of course :).

As I said, this competition is very simple. The way to win is simply to "spread the love" through your posts! For the entire week from February 8th, 2012, to February 15th, 2012, anyone who wishes to enter should post their name in this thread saying "Competition 2", and I will watch their posts for the entire week. Whoever is the nicest on the forums, follows forum rules, and contributes to the forum most will receive a prize!

Pretty simple, right? Here are some rules, though.

Rules and Regulations

  • It is not allowed to create multiple forum accounts for competition 2.
  • Entries will only be considered if posted below within the time limit.
  • Be sure to post "Competition 2" if you wish to enter in the competition.
  • Anyone can enter one or both of the competitions, however you may only receive a prize from one. If you were supposed to receive a prize from both competitions, you will receive the better prize (or if they're the same prize, we will pick one for you), and your prize in the other competition will go to someone else.
  • If you have any questions, come to me. Do not hesitate or possibly break a rule if you can ask instead :).
  • Any pictures of groups must be of your player account or tribe account. NO SITS INCLUDED.
  • If you break forum rules more than once during Competition 2, you will be disqualified. It is not a chance to spam, the posts must be on-topic.

Any other questions? I can't stress this enough, contact me if you have any :D. I look forward to seeing everyone's entries and hopefully their attempts to "spread the love", and let's enjoy the next week leading up to Valentine's Day everyone!
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love this forum and will love to even win .
yeah its been a long time fighting against Ego in W1 nearly 170+ days and i think this is a good forum to sperad love and happiness and respect others and even enemies
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if you want to take part in competition 2 you post here?


Yes, to those who asked, you post here that you wish to be in competition 2. If you want to enter competition 2 and competition 1, post your entry for competition 1 at any time, whenever it is ready. All of your posts will not be visible, however.

Good luck!


LOVE THE LOVE ONES and don`t hurt them .

Because broken heart costs more than the borken glass


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HEART for the great lady in the heart of a great guy
love can`t be represented in words or by dots


Competition 2

name : Adr1an0 10
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US3, Power of Three account

Rgdz Viv
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