Version 8.0 [Discussion]


Sorry it took so long to get this up, but it got here...

So you know the drill, what do you think about the new version?
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Sorry it took so long to get this up, but it got here...

So you know the drill, what do you think about ingaisnoob :p sorry:D

Bad English :p

I think there are really nice new features....BUT don´t you think that perhaps advertise a bit better would bring new players??

I know we are improving but we really need to get back on number of players in all servers...more or less off course...more here :p
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Bad English :p
BUT don´t you think that perhaps advertise a bit better would bring new players??

Maybe, but its nothing to do with the mods to advertise TW I think, they just manage the server/s and forums.

Anyway... I think the settings are cool - I really like the minimap one as well :)


Lies and slander :D

A little edition to my previous post! see if you like it:)

Maybe, but its nothing to do with the mods to advertise TW I think, they just manage the server/s and forums.

Anyway... I think the settings are cool - I really like the minimap one as well :)

I know is up to InnoGames don´t get me wrong:) I just think we are improving the game to the view of experienced players and i like it very much... I like the minimap as well:)

I just think that we should bring more people to the game again...or try...just a thought...not complaining:)


I like the claim BB-Code. Makes it easy when making lists in the forums that you don't have to check the noble planner for this...


Yeah :D We should advertise .us5 on the .net forums to bring in some members.


For the claim bb-code, if a village is taken, and the claim goes away, what happens to the bb-code? Does the village show up without the bold claimed?

If so, this would make it so much easier to keep these kinds of threads organized, so that's why I'm wondering.


OK, so .net server has already posted about the 8.0 update, Should the US world be posting the full update list as well? Kinda slacking here as always


OK, so .net server has already posted about the 8.0 update, Should the US world be posting the full update list as well? Kinda slacking here as always

Yeah that's kind of rude....I'm not a mod of any sort though, so I won't say much else ;)

Don't complain though, our team isn't "slacking as always", .net probably needed to get it up quicker since world 60 (which comes out tomorrow) is going to have the changes implemented.


OK, so .net server has already posted about the 8.0 update, Should the US world be posting the full update list as well? Kinda slacking here as always

.net announced the details of the v 8.0 along with the details of the new world opening , as will we - when the next world opens.
We do not have a date as to when this will be but it will be announced in due time.



I was only kidding about the slacking as always part. Just giving a hard time.