village takeover


um... so im not totally sure how to take over a barbarian village... can anyone help me out...


You must send nobles to the village until the loyalty of the village drops to 0. Once that occurs, that village is yours.


This isnt a thread where we belittle those who ask for help.


...... :rolleyes:

A noble is a unit that can be built in an academy, which can only be built once your Headquarters is lv 20, your smithy is lv 20, and your market is lv 10. Once you reach these requirements, you can construct your academy.

When it's finished, there will be a noblemen recruiting space, and at the bottom, there will be a coin minting button.

Each noblemen requires a certain number of coins "minted" before you can build the nobles. For example, before you can make your first noble, you will need to mint 1 coin. For the 2nd noble, you need to mint 3 coins, then 6, and so on.

The formula for the number of coins can be found with this formula-

(#nobles + 1) * (#nobles * 1/2) = #coins

Once you have your nobleman built, you may attack a village near you with the noble. (the noblemen by itself is about as strong as 1 Light Cavalry, so send escort troops with it to keep it alive)

When you attack the village, your report will say something like, "Loyalty dropped from 100 to 73".

When you attack with your nobleman, the loyalty of the village can be lowered anywhere from 20-35 points. Once the village reaches 0 or lower, you get the village. (loyalty will gradually replenish, so don't wait to finish nobling the village, the rate for this world is 1 loyalty/hour)