W25 NewsLetter: Opening Days


Free always says that they are only 1 tribe and C* has 3 tribe. But in fact one of C* tribe was a hidden FREE tribe :) Let's be honest !
You invited 7-8 players from us and there are lots of free players like sir freshness, tuborgchefen, completely BALLS tribe etc.

I never trusted Fireball who is a FREE PLAYER from the beginning. But I didnt thought that he will leave at this time of the game.
But he left us with his friends :)

Now we see the enemies and we are happy. Winning or losing is not important.

Another topic.

I always prefer good heart people to be ally or nap. Free talked with savage, w-den and us to have a nap/ally.

I like savage bcs of azidahaka and monumental's good character , also w-den bcs of erncging, ghostgambler or ggpew.

WT is fighting with Free also and they sent me spy reports of some players. WT players are supporting free players :) Free = 10 * WT but they need spy :)

This is the war between good hearts(c*-savage-w-den) and bad hearts(free) leaders.


Im sure Spank can attest your good heart. Mate, you are so full of shit, its sad.


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You look a lot like a us president candidate trying to look humble in front of the people just before election date.
Jeez max,I got nothing with you,but the reason why you are flamed so hard is that you did some nasty things.And the reason Free recruited your members is because they didnt like it there.

Also,you say you got allied to tribe x cuz u liked some players there.If you liked free players,would you get an alliance with us as well?What's the point of the game then ?Why do you even play ?


Fighting with honour is different. Fighting with spies is different.
I want enemies who have good personality.


You continually accuse of us having spies, and doing this that or the other yet you provide no evidence. If you didn't lie so much, perhaps what you say would have any impact, but you have lied to grow, lied to slander and lied to try and take the morale high ground. You can't equate us knowing stuff to us playing with spies, especially when you undoubtedly have tried to use your own spies (except we don't mass recruit so I am sure thats a bit hard), we know stuff because you annoy the good players in your tribe and they don't want to stick around. You claim we wanted diplomacy with you, savage and W-DEN, and yes, at separate points in time we have attempted to have diplomatic with one of those 3 tribes. However, unlike you, we have not attempted to hug all the top tribes as a way to survive longer, hence why we have been outnumbered in both the wars we have had.

We recruited your players because they didnt want to be with you, we didnt talk to them much prior to the jump.

One of C* being a hidden free tribe? You are joking, either you are saying we attempted to take a whole 20 man tribe when we had 17 people (false) or that you are so poor at recruiting that you recruited a tribe full of people loyal to free, either case you look stupid.

-WT- came to us with the hopes of diplomacy, we said no, so I have no clue where you are getting that we spy on them or anything, but who knows, you just spew bs.

"But I didnt thought that he will leave at this time of the game.", you mean a time where you have hugged most the world, displayed yourself as untrustworthy and have shown yourself to be inept, course he wouldn't leave, lol.

But, you seem to be good at playing clean up, odd how your attacks started coming at people long after your tribe had been attacking them, real strange.


You talked with 3 tribes at the same time. All of the tribes didnt accept your idea. Bcs. nobody trust you !!!

No need to talk anymore. Topic was about news. But we only talk bad things. Let'S play game. Let's have fun.


Of course I have spoken to all 3 tribes at the same time, and yet I havent asked for diplomacy with all 3 times at the same time, odd that, its as if, unlike you, I dont hug to survive :/

Anyway, Cookies, war stats are quite undesirable for us right now, though not that surprising given that its 72 v 24 officially and 147 v ~50 unofficially.


So I guess that I'll post the relevant stats for anyone else interested.

Side 1:
Tribes: Free!
Side 2:
Tribes: Savage, C*, C**

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers:

Side 1: 10
Side 2: 42
Difference: 32


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2
Side 2: 13
Difference: 11


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 42,307
Side 2: 207,767
Difference: 165,460


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 8,586
Side 2: 87,897
Difference: 79,311



I guess this should depict a-not-so-timely op on free, but i suppose, just judging from the stats here, that it did its job.


I wonder how long it will take Maximusss until he has nobled everyone in the C family.


That statistics show that we are losing, however you do know something is fishy when the duke of C wants to bat for the other side.



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I think that was sarcasm, but amusing nonetheless.
I know a proverb,not sure if the translation to English is right,but it's something like the truth is spoken in joke/there's some truth in jokes,smth like this.I wouldn't be surprised if he meant it.


Yeah I agree, there is alot of truth in jokes, but i dunno, just seem rather insincere to me, especially given that their side has the upper hand in the war at the moment.


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Do they?
I'll be objective on this.

Yes,they have the upper hand looking at the conquers.
In terms of troop losses,they lost more than we did.Attacking they lost a lot for each village they gained and they lost some nukes while defending which didn't give us much oda to prove anything,but the loss is big still even though stats don't show it.
Also,C* doesn't have the upper hand themselves,Savage does.Let's not mix them together,they are allies,but the only reason why C* manages to pull something is the fact that savage is fighting with us non stop and most of our defense goes to the Savage frontline,not the C* frontline.Fighting the rank 2,3,4 and 6 tribes at the same time is hard work.But if Maximusss would want to join Free,imagine this.C* disbanded,the best players of C* joining Free.Who has the upper hand now ?
Maximusss knows that if Free falls,so might he if he doesn't get recruited into Savage,because let's face it,true,Savage don't fight us alone,but they did a great job so far,even if 1v1 Free might have a small advantage,C* has no chance imo to win this world,no matter who the winner of this war is,Free or Savage.If Savage wins,they'll finish C* easily,no doubt about it.

He has proven that he doesn't care much about the tribe,he cares about his account more and who does he share a frontline with?Free,not Savage.

I'm not saying he was sincere when he said that,but there's some logic to it,so there's a chance that he actually meant it.


Maximusssyesterday at 01:53
Maximusssyesterday at 01:53
invite me too.

You know that this was a joke :) Undead invited my all tribe and i thought that he forgot me :))))


Savage wins = C* wins

This is my idea. I can lose this game. I can win this game. I gained lots of friends. This is more important.

Monumental is like my brother. You said me bad things about savage. Lets copy to here!

I never believed your bad writings about savage and i ll be with them forever.

W-DEN tribe are also my friends and i see them as W-DEN=C* also. You cant ruin our friendship.

There is a reality that you lost the diplomacy. You have to war with SAVAGE-W-DEN AND C*.