W56 Pre-made - New to Leadership - The Order of The Double Dragon ~ODD~

Deleted User - 848940547

Hi All,

My name is Eve, and I am looking to try my hand at a leadership role in TW with World 56 on the horizon. This is my second world ever after I joined EN 122 to see what this was all about. I quickly fell in love with the social and patience building aspects of this game. I would truly appreciate the opportunity to work with a team of talented and experienced veterans that can help provide a relative newbie like me with tactical advisement and oversight while I take an opportunity to spend time honing my social skills for diplomatic endeavors.

I love getting to talk to and engage with people, so I make for a good tribemate that promotes communication and activity on all fronts. Getting to know the people I'm spending so much time working together with is something I am really excited to get to do.

The tribe is visible in the rankings tab under ~ODD~ for the world to all pre-registered already. If not registered and interested in playing out a hand with me, please reach out in this thread with your Username and I will send an invite. Alternatively, click here!

Thank you so much for giving this a read through, and I hope to see you in the core~!

Dramatically Speaking
