W70 opening1-10-2024 feedback

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 419875
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Deleted User - 419875

Please discuss all things with W70 opening here. Thank you!!


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I saw that there will not be archers, watch towers, churches or stongholds.

I was researching what each do, I don't see why remove archers or watchtowers, (is that an original set up?) other than simplifing the game, is there any other advantages/disadvantages?

I've never played with the churches or strongholds. I'm not sure I like the stonghold idea. But when I started playing I felt like the village was missing something, Big spot were the church should go... makes sense now. I like the idea of the church, instead of 50% attach without a church I think a simple resource boost would be better.

In a word with churches & stongholds, I would want a settler unit, so I could build cities around your central church village / stonghold... I think this would help with the "sparse" feeling of the map, players could fill in open grass spots. I know letting players pic spots can come with it's own troubles though.

PS I'm looking to understand the game better more then anything...

After reading more. Archers are great...
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-RighiZera Tempest-

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Inno has constantly been disrupting the world settings, from what I've seen. It would be an extremely interesting world to play in, with a few changes. A high rate of barbarian villages and bonuses + troop speed slightly above what is usually seen would be ideal.


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I saw that there will not be archers, watch towers, churches or stongholds.

I was researching what each do, I don't see why remove archers or watchtowers, (is that an original set up?) other than simplifing the game, is there any other advantages/disadvantages?

I've never played with the churches or strongholds. I'm not sure I like the stonghold idea. But when I started playing I felt like the village was missing something, Big spot were the church should go... makes sense now. I like the idea of the church, instead of 50% attach without a church I think a simple resource boost would be better.

In a word with churches & stongholds, I would want a settler unit, so I could build cities around your central church village / stonghold... I think this would help with the "sparse" feeling of the map, players could fill in open grass spots. I know letting players pic spots can come with it's own troubles though.

PS I'm looking to understand the game better more then anything...

After reading more. Archers are great...
Church worlds are a bit different and they require some specific strategies on where to place your church villages.

Differently than watchtowers, churches need to be everywhere and cover every single village. Watchtowers instead are kind of easier, you need to place them strategically all over the frontline so you leave no gaps for attacks to enter within the area not covered by the watchtowers. This way all incoming attacks will be picked by watchtowers which will give you an idea regarding what might be incoming.

If the world is no watchtower world, it needs to have a fake limit (otherwise it gets creasy) and this world has a fake limit of 1% so good thing there.

I like these settings. My only 2 changes would have been tribe limit to 15 and with watchtowers.

Personally I like watchtower worlds.
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Just to add to what Red said (agree with him)

Watchtowers in my opinion makes for a more relaxed world. You can place it on your frontlines to pick up attacks allowing you to move your defense properly. When churches in my opinion causes you to focus more and takes more time. More in depth planning for perfect placement. You will stay away from some villages you'd normally noble because putting a church in that area won't make sense.

So in my opinion I would take a watchtower world over a church world any day, but that's because I enjoy playing casually. I would also rarely play none watchtower worlds for that reason too. However some would argue it takes away some strategy to when it comes to sending fake attacks the watch tower will pick them up. When without watch towers you will spread out the enemy's defense by sending mass fakes.

ultimately it is similar to what I mentioned in your other post you will have to try all the settings and find ones you enjoy. Just because me and Red like watch towers you might not and you might like the strategy of churches or the ability to send mass fakes without them being seen by a watch tower.


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Church worlds are a bit different and they require some specific strategies on where to place your church villages.

Differently than watchtowers, churches need to be everywhere and cover every single village. Watchtowers instead are kind of easier, you need to place them strategically all over the frontline so you leave no gaps for attacks to enter within the area not covered by the watchtowers. This way all incoming attacks will be picked by watchtowers which will give you an idea regarding what might be incoming.

If the world is no watchtower world, it needs to have a fake limit (otherwise it gets creasy) and this world has a fake limit of 1% so good thing there.

I like these settings. My only 2 changes would have been tribe limit to 15 and with watchtowers.

Personally I like watchtower worlds.
Yeah watchtowers sound like a great option. I was still wandering why no archers, they seem like a big help for defensive players.