Wanted: Co. Player


Hello W1,

Before I begin with my requirments I would like to show a few of my achievments.

-W21, I was ranked #2 in my k. I was in 2nd largest/best tribe in the world.
-W43, This was one of my earlier worlds. I was in a tribe family. Together we were the largest, alone we were ranked 2nd, 4th, 7th. I reached 250,000 then quit due to rl issues.
-W52 Speed, I co. played with the same people as on w52. We were ranked 2nd in the speed world by a few village :p So close!
-W52, I am ranked 30. I am in the 3rd largest tribe. I am ranked 3rd in my k.

Each of these worlds were on .net. I had no co. for w21 and w43.

Now, My requirments

I am searching for two co. players:

- 7:00-3:00
- 9:00-6:00

- Played for over a year
- Have had +250,000 point account
- Rush to LC

I don't use premium. However if you must use premium and you are willing to pay for it, I will be more inclined to select you.


I have a few players in my premade that have been searching for coplayers.


You may want to make it clearer by either including a.m. or p.m. in your times or to use digital time :)


I am still in need of a co. and now the urgency is even greater. I am ranked #1 in my k and I have the potential to grow far and fast if I have a group of 2-3 players working with me. Premium is provided.