We're looking for a co-player


The Small One. needs a co-player.

Good day to you all,

As said The Small One. is in need of a co-player. First I will introduce the players playing on TSO.

Two players play on the account(Niels and Lars(that's me)), we're two Dutch players who have played on the .nl server for a few years. As we live in the Netherlands we live in GMT +1 so we live about seven hours later than you do.

What has the account got to offer?

-Two nice people to work with.
-Two people who know how to backtime, time, snipe etc.
-An account that can be online nearly 24/7.
-Two really experienced people.

What do we want from you?

We want a:

-Good teamplayer who can give commands but also listens to them.
-A player with experience, which you can prove.
-A player who wants to farm 24/7.
-A player who knows how to use all skills(which mentioned above).


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