What if you demolish


if you recruit..say 15k axemen, and demolish your barracks to one, then a few thousand hc/lc and then demolish your stables to one, fill up the rest of your farm, and demolish them completely, will you still be able to use the troops?

no barracks, no stable, but plenty of troops, wiill they still be there or will you lose them?


You can still use the troops. They do not disappear, the same is true of nobles in a village if the academy is demolished or the other building drop below their appropriate levels. The noble can still be used.

If troops are queued in a barracks or stables, and the building is completely destroyed, the troops will still build. It builds at a very slow rate and you will not be able to add more until the building is rebuilt.


Although it seems like a strange thing to do.

When i first started i shamefully tried this, and it destroyed me :eek: Was i doing it wrong?


.....no barracks, no stable, .....

Pete shamelessly goes off to find patrly94 on the map.

Oh look, his user file has jumped by 23 new visits. It must be a coincidence that it is the same as the number of people who have read this thread so far.

A little more seriously, although it seems like a great way to boost your attack in reality it is a complete waste on so many different levels. Not least of all because it leaves you so open to a counter attack once the nuke dies that it is funny.

If it was just a theoretical question and not something you are planning to do then it has been well answered.


noooo not a good plan. keep the buildings up high. the lost population for your nuke is worth it for the much quicker ability to rebuild it if it dies. A nuke does you no good unless you use it- many of my nukes are constantly dying and having to be rebuild, either through my errors or just a strong enemy. Although I do keep a few in reserve. But you want to get back to max strength ASAP.


The only use I see for doing something like that is if you get nobled but you have like some dinky little 300 point village no enemy well smart enemy would bother nobling it, but if you've got a full nuke and 4 nobles you could quite possibly regrow quite quickly if you were smart about it and statined that kind of village somewhere far off from where your enemies nobled you.


yeah it was just theoritical, its something iv been wondering since i started playing, but didnt want to try and waste resources