Where have all the Aussies gone...?


Hello, if you're reading this, I've an assignment for you:

I'm looking for an Asian/Australian co-player or somebody in that time-zone who is a decently active player.

Experience isn't a must - You can be a plain ol' nub for all I care :p As long as you're active and are willing to play, I'll teach anybody that can fill in that time-zone area. I'll provide guides, tutorials, etc to teach any newcomers to the game.

Skype - You'll need to use Skype very often for quick and direct communication.

Sense of Humour - I'm a fun-loving guy and so I don't want it to be serious 24/7. A good laugh every once in a while is good and let's the game be more pleasurable.

Things like Farm Assist and such will be provided and if you're new, I'll explain how to use these features.

If anybody here is from Asia/Australia and is willing to co-play, then contact me here or on Skype (Phoinexnight) by sending me a message saying that you're interested. I'm looking for somebody around the GMT+6 time zone, give or take 2 hours or so.

If anybody finds any Aussies/Asians running around the forums, could you please redirect them here if possible?

Thanks in advance,


I tried teaching someone once and it was impossible so good luck.

Just so you know, Australia is mostly GMT+10/11. A kiwi would fit in nicely here, but if you want a +6 then this is the wrong part of the world lol.