World 5


When the World moves 5?
- 5 what?
- meters?
- inches?

If you are asking about World 5 opening :p you should look here and if nothing is said about World 5 then... Nothing to say!



Mimelim said:
Yes, a lot of people are excited about W5. We all want to know when it will start. We all want to know what the settings will be. We are also all in the same boat. We are waiting. Invariably, people keep asking over and over about it and the answer is going to be the same until there is a formal announcement in which case it will be OBVIOUS that you don't need to ask. So please, stop asking about W5. Most likely there will be a post here about it: Announcements and there will probably be a message on the front page of the game: Tribalwars.



I hope W5 has good settings or else it won't live up to the hype :)