Wrapping Worlds


I guess the title would explain what I'm thinking to most, but, just incase, I'll go into an explanation.

What I'm suggesting, is that as the world fills up to it's dimensional capacity ( (100*100) * (10 * 10) ) (1000000), the world wraps at it's borders.

Now, the specific size of the world is irrellevant (though, for scripting writing purposes this would cause a nightmare) (although, I've just thought of a way around said nightmare).

So, if we work on a standard world of 100 K's, then what I'm suggesting, would mean that 000|000 would be able to attack 999|999 as if it were one square away diagonally. (or 009|999, or 999|009)

999|999, 000|999, 001|999
999|000, 000|000, 000|001
999|001, 000|001, 001|001

Opinons List

Currently in support of the idea:
  • File Not Found
  • sacredfool
  • zlajonja
  • =RedFox=
  • louisachewit
  • repinski
  • Bloodhood
  • MadisonBama
  • HeftySmurf
  • koa anubis
  • Marcus the Mad
  • auguthy2
  • darkaniken2
  • Fordy
  • FrailBeauty
  • Bo-John-bo
  • electroz
  • dalesmckay
  • Therin
  • backwards
  • Bloodhood
  • Geremy

Position on the issue unknown / unclear:
  • Lambert21
  • Rush.
  • A humble player
  • DaWolf85
  • People who haven't as yet commented.

Against the idea:
  1. None as yet

Hmmm.. your thoughts? :D I thought this was great.


I think that's an exceltent idea. It'd give players who end up on the backlines more of a chance to fight! :)


Yes they would! I hope some others see this idea + moderators.


i personally wouldn't like this. first off .us doesn't have a full world yet and if this does happen i think it would mean a lot of going back and forth between the corners of the world.


Way to copy and past from .net :p

Its a good idea but try to be more original next time, anything that gets applied on .net will likely be saw by our community managers and if they like it they will likely apply it here.


I disagree with this idea. It makes core-play basically the same all the way through the world, ignoring startup. Those of us who like the safety of the rim by having one border completely safe from attack lose that advantage. The lazier folk (ie me) would end up not bothering to play as it takes too much extra effort.


yea... it sounds too complicated to play on a round world...


yea... it sounds too complicated to play on a round world...

Complicated is fun :) It'd only really come into effect after the worlds been going for a long time though, considering how slow .us worlds grow :p


Against it. Eliminates the purpose of nobling to the corners for a strong back, which I think is a strong strategy to use