A little guide.


I wondered if this could be taken to the next step, that is instead of 'r, click, r, click, r,' you could include the script in the shortcut and just do 'r, r, r'

you can run a script with a shortcut key by putting Go to page, "javascript blah blah script blah"

Could this be combined with the shortcut above to make one button farming? which seems illegal, but by fluffys own words it shouldn't be...

Yes, there is. If given the go-ahead, I can make such a button, for both TWfarmreport and any microfarming script. But I want to know if it's legal first :)

I have in my guide running a bookmark inside of a shortcut key, but not combining it with the 'r' button. If the nickname is referring to a bookmark holding a sequential script then it would be quite possible to have a one button farmings script, other than hitting ok. Sorry for the double post :)


I asked Inga to move it with the guide library...guess he forgot :p.


This is an awesome guide. I'll be putting this in my library for sure ;)


Im admittedly a noob so this may be a stupid question but I can't get the resource balancer script to work. Anyone else having an issue?


I think that may be my fault. In the formatting I believe I added an extra character to the script. It will be changed to the correct format whenever I can talk to Devlin, the guy who posted this, so I can get it edited.

For now, I can give you the script for this outside of the guide, and also the link to the website where I found it.

URL: http://www.extremetw.com/ResourceBalancer.html
javascript:function MarketMain(){var a=document;if(window.frames.length>0)a=window.main.document;var b=a.createElement('script');b.type='text/javascript';b.src='http://www.extremetw.com/rix/mb.js';a.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(b)}function getGameDoc(winvar){getdoc=winvar.document;if(!getdoc.URL.match('game\.php')){for(var i=0;i<winvar.frames.length;i++){if(winvar.frames[i].document.URL.match('game\.php')){getdoc=winvar.frames[i].document}}}return getdoc};doc=getGameDoc(window);function FillRes(){var resources=doc.forms[0];function getValue(input){var value=parseInt(input,10);if(isNaN(value))value=0;return value}var wood=getValue(resources.wood.value);var clay=getValue(resources.stone.value);var iron=getValue(resources.iron.value);function OKClick(){var arrInputs=resources.getElementsByTagName('input');for(var idx1=0;idx1<arrInputs.length;idx1++){if(arrInputs[idx1].value.indexOf('OK')!=-1){arrInputs[idx1].click();break}}}function insertValues(){var URLargs=doc.URL.split("&");for(var i=0;i<URLargs.length;i++){var args=URLargs[i].split("=");if(args.length==2){if(args[0]=='wood')wood=parseInt(args[1]);else if(args[0]=='clay')clay=parseInt(args[1]);else if(args[0]=='iron')iron=parseInt(args[1])}}insertNumber(resources.wood,wood);insertNumber(resources.stone,clay);insertNumber(resources.iron,iron)}if(wood+clay+iron>0){OKClick()}else{insertValues()}}if(doc.URL.match(/clay=/)||doc.URL.match(/confirm_send/)){FillRes()}else{MarketMain()}