If I were a Duke in US 4, I would.....


If i were a duke in PERV, i would finish off LGND, noble that shitload of barbs in our K's, go turtle mode, and just watch people try to defeat us :p
Now if i were in TBS, i would try to get a good hold of the rim, and make sure Balkan is no longer a southern threat.
All the others, i would just quit and start a new world, definitely easier then doing anything here


If i were a duke in PERV, i would finish off LGND, noble that shitload of barbs in our K's, go turtle mode, and just watch people try to defeat us :p
Now if i were in TBS, i would try to get a good hold of the rim, and make sure Balkan is no longer a southern threat.
All the others, i would just quit and start a new world, definitely easier then doing anything here

balkan are no longer a threat, they have a nap ;). Noble barbs around themis to stop him winning the looter award every single day :p? i like the sound of that