I'm not a barbie girl in a barbie world...


Well, I guess that some barb nobling is acceptable.
I mean, if you can push the village to an acceptable level quickly because it's placement gives you a strategic advantage in a later conquest, or a base for further expansion, then go for it.

But, nobling barbs just for the sake of another village really makes me feel that your a lesser player, with the exception of very early on in the game.


Well, I guess that some barb nobling is acceptable.
I mean, if you can push the village to an acceptable level quickly because it's placement gives you a strategic advantage in a later conquest, or a base for further expansion, then go for it.

But, nobling barbs just for the sake of another village really makes me feel that your a lesser player, with the exception of very early on in the game.

The only real reason you should noble barbs is if you want to fill a cluster or something....


Eh? I thought it was if it was sent from a church radius, it fights 100%..... hasn't this already been discussed?


Well, I'm not 100% sure... That would be my reason from now on xD

I've had my fill of barbs... Sadly it was 8 :/


It doesn't matter much, but the trend is more alive than ever. I would think by now the lessons would be understood. Every noble wasted or used on a barbarian village extends all of our time here. Of course that is only for players that will finish...



Sorry, I seem to have caught a bad cold... Maybe some players villages will help clear that out :D


the more 3K barbs you noble, the harder it is to build up villages you get with lvl 30 HQ and low everything else, not to mention nobles just end up costing more and more and it is not worth it 3 quality villages can easily beat 6 crappy ones... not to mention all those villages out there with few to no troops... i simply do not understand how players can do that... *shrugs*


the more 3K barbs you noble, the harder it is to build up villages you get with lvl 30 HQ and low everything else, not to mention nobles just end up costing more and more and it is not worth it 3 quality villages can easily beat 6 crappy ones... not to mention all those villages out there with few to no troops... i simply do not understand how players can do that... *shrugs*

*sniff* I could hug you.


Where's all my Barbie girls at? I bet the map makes your mouth water :D


(One barb noble on our accnt for those of you who are too lazy to look at the stats... lol)

Killerspear and I have agreed to not tolerate conquering barbs (from our account anyways)... not to say we wouldn't break it if there was a huge benefit to be gained, but at 1.2 million points, one barb or bonus hardly makes too much difference...
