V8.0 Feedback.


i have a few questions about secrets? theres not much info on them as in settings for w5.
travel distance?
when they will be released?
will they all come out at same time or one ever _ days?
how long can they stay in a village?
this flag showing one is in the village is that shown to everyone or just you or tribe?
do they have powers or are they just called that? (powers like weapons)
do copies make copies?
how are copies made?
if you lose the origanal do copies die? (guessing no cause then other tribes can steal copies cause they wouldnt have the original)
how many of each kind will be made(at start)
is there more than one kind?
"will appear in barbarian villages" is that all barbs or barbs only and not bonus barbs?
how long is the countdown time?
can you just pass a secret back and forth between two villages forever or is there a waiting period till the vill can hold a secret?


i actually have more but figured just by asking about secrets they might give us all the info and not just, when they come out we will tell you.


currently playing world 5, i must say tho, the settings are pretty good at the moment altho i did have a slow start to the game, speed 2 would be good. Last time i played with speed 2 was a few years ago on the .net server of world 52. world 6 should be good i hope.


Id like to ask at what point will secrets copy and transfer to other tribe members? Is it like 3 months? 6 months? a year? down the road? Just curious what we have to look forward to.


Id like to ask at what point will secrets copy and transfer to other tribe members? Is it like 3 months? 6 months? a year? down the road? Just curious what we have to look forward to.

Copy of secrets are already in the world.