What, No Declaration?

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We at Smash have heard a lot of bluster, and a lot of talk of us being "mass-recruiters", as well as "doing nothing". Well, we were sorely disappointed with those who made these claims, considering they'd been missing some crucial points:

Side 1:
Tribes: Smash
Side 2:
Tribes: MaGicX, MXA

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 7
Side 2: 0
Difference: 7


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 60,533
Side 2: 0
Difference: 60,533


Above you see the results of a few players coming to Who Am's aid (not that he needed it, he was doing just fine by himself, especially lately :p).

Side 1:
Tribes: Smash
Side 2:
Tribes: ~LTR~, TENT

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 14
Side 2: 0
Difference: 14


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 101,118
Side 2: 0
Difference: 101,118


TENT split off from ~LTR~ thanks to Smash, and we've been nobling away, fairly casually.

Now, you could say we hadn't attacked major tribes, and you're right. Up until now, we've been solidifying, and we had good friendships with the other tribes, so we didn't see the need to attack anyone and break an alliance right now. But to say we're mass-recruiters who do nothing...well, we were hurt to say the least :(.

We called up our friends at Sie AQ when we received a mail from a random, new player on W1. This player claimed Kibast was a spy working for Smash (which he has a friend in, namely me :p). Without getting any verification, or even allowing Kibast to defend himself, they kicked him. They accused us of sending him in, and then told us we recruited their targets from Scrubs. We won't get into the various ironies and hypocritical notions Sie AQ has portrayed, but to say the least they "declared" on us in the Top 20 Tribes thread...and yet we see no declaration. They declared on an ally, with no warning and little factual reasoning, and haven't even had the decency to put up a thread about it? Slightly ridiculous, wouldn't you say?

So we decided we'd do the honors, and start off the fighting with a good ol', hearty "Hello!"

Defender: byzugo
Destination: lost 002 30% res (538|373) K35

Quantity: 2000 0 0 3070 0 0 0 1414 0 42 1 0
Losses: 2000 0 0 3070 0 0 0 1414 0 42 1 0

He didn't appreciate this, unfortunately, but there's been no response as of yet...

Well, best of luck to you Sie AQ. But when this war turns quickly to our favor, don't say we didn't warn you that attacking a powerful ally was a bad idea ;). When this war is over, we'll be sitting there, and we won't hesitate to say:

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Can I get a subscription to that newspaper at the top? It knew we got declared on before anyone else! :O


u6, said everything that needed to be said, so i will add a little something that only the cooler members of Smash will understand:



Ink, what would this thread have done without you. with those, Sie AQ IS FINISHED!!!


I would like to see a member of Sie AQ post here for 2 reasons:

  1. Do they understand my Epic image
  2. To stand up for themselves

And this thread would have got some awesomeness without me (eventually) :D
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u6s5l., great intro. Newsletter was a great touch. But EGOS intro was the best so far (that wwf them was a fun read).

Inga - 1. Although im not with SIE.. what is that pic and how is it so epic. Enlighten us.. otherwise for non smash players it is an epic fail
2. I dont understand what this means.. i know im about to get made fun of for asking but... wth does this mean. and yes english is my 1st language.. so flame away :p


1. It doesn't matter, he's just messing around.
2. It was supposed to say "up", instead of "un", methinks :p.

Thanks for the compliment on the declaration, I should put more time into it next time. This was hastily thrown together, because we had thought they'd declare officially first...well, looks like we've got to do it for them, because even as former allies who declared without warning we have to do the work for them :p.

Any opinions on the war?


*slow applause* ...lol

oh, and overall last 7 days: Smash 235 gained villages
Sie AQ 270 gained villages...

Point total difference... 13,600,000... so you guys are almost twice our size yet you can only noble 35 more villages??? and look at this

compared to this

can you see the difference??? even normal activity, you guys have more inactive tribe members...

now i think it is time for a certain tribe to do THIS!
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wow i got nearly 300k in 1 week, just like the week before :p

@mashman: we got 35 villages more yes, BUT which would be more interesting, is which was the average points of the nobled villages for each tribe. i mean it's easy to noble 200 barbs in a week, but it's not that easy if you are fighting ennemies


you guys nobled just as many barbs as us... and our villages are smaller because of all the players along the rims...


well if i could, i would be nobling more as i'm doing right now.
i find that an average of 3-4 villages a day in 2 weeks time is quite good :p


You're honestly going to try and say since our average points per a noble is less than yours that you are better than us?

Look at a world map, where is most of our tribe located? The rim? You think I like to noble 3-5k point villages? There's nothing but that out around me and probably everyone else thats around the rim.

Try having a more legitimate point than the size of villages, I know you just love your points but we love our troops :)


You're honestly going to try and say since our average points per a noble is less than yours that you are better than us?

Look at a world map, where is most of our tribe located? The rim? You think I like to noble 3-5k point villages? There's nothing but that out around me and probably everyone else thats around the rim.

Try having a more legitimate point than the size of villages, I know you just love your points but we love our troops :)

i never said anything like that did i?
i just asked who nobled the bigger villages.
but u must admit that it is easier to noble 5k villages, than noble 10k villages...


no... For me, someone with a 5K village could be tough... for you, if a player has one 10K point village, it is easy. it is all in relation of target versus conqueror... and as Que? said... Look around me. It will take you thirty seconds... even if I nobled nothing but barbs, the villages would still be like 1K each, and the one or two active players nearby are not much better... I am sure all of smash would go after 10K villages if they existed around our own parts... but they do not, so we must stisfy ourselves with what we can get...

Yes, you are conquering quite nicely, which just makes the rest of your tribe look that much worse if over 30 of those 270 conquered villages were one player...so thanks for proving my/our point... you may be good, but your shining glory and brightness makes the rest of Sie look.... not shiny and bright... =P


2. It was supposed to say "up", instead of "un", methinks :p. - duh to me.. i wasnt even thinking of a typo :p

as for my opinion.. I think your frontline is in for a whole lot of pain. The ratio of troops are not in your favor. The longer the war the less chance of anyone in the frontlines survives. Even if your active and are skillful.. i just dont see anyone coming out unschathed(frontline wise). Rim players .. are rim players..
Personally im wishing for a long war and gm's to delete barbs. But its not my bday and xmas passed :p

Originally Posted by Que?
You're honestly going to try and say since our average points per a noble is less than yours that you are better than us?

I honestly would have answered YES.

Thanks Kanye - your welcome, but i am not kanye.

"Yes, you are conquering quite nicely, which just makes the rest of your tribe look that much worse if over 30 of those 270 conquered villages were one player...so thanks for proving my/our point..."

Hi Mashman, 30 of 270 is jst over 10%.. so how does this prove your point? and keep in mind he has a gazillion more nobles than most of us :p



right, just saying he is trying to make whole tribe seem like they are nobling non stop when that is just him, and mainly because of sheer size...

"I honestly would have answered YES." - You may be bigger, longer playing, but not necessarily the most skillful. Look what is happening to pocahontas of MagicX... she was big but that does not mean she is better than some other players...

Spot on about the frontlines though- frontline fighters are usually affected for the rest of the world, whether they are on the winning side or not. However, it depends how willing the other tribemates are to send them defense and/or help attack the opposing tribe...

Only time will tell what will happen in this war...


Guys, let's not take away from this war by discussing what each side nobles. If we were to do that, we'd have to also discuss how Sie AQ recruits most of the people they war, skilled or not, and I wouldn't want to bring that up :D.

Regardless, the war will not be easy. That's clear, but Sie AQ has finally taken on someone without two allies to help them out (just MaGicX and some other tribes Smash has been fighting), we should be proud of them :p. It's a big step up for them, moving from declaring on people with all their allies at once to declaring on their former ally, especially considering they've already got one of their allies (who they trashed in another thread) fighting Smash :D.

We'll see how it goes, though. So far, I haven't seen anything too impressive however, so we'll see how it goes.
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2. It was supposed to say "up", instead of "un", methinks :p. - duh to me.. i wasnt even thinking of a typo :p

as for my opinion.. I think your frontline is in for a whole lot of pain. The ratio of troops are not in your favor. The longer the war the less chance of anyone in the frontlines survives. Even if your active and are skillful.. i just dont see anyone coming out unschathed(frontline wise). Rim players .. are rim players..
Personally im wishing for a long war and gm's to delete barbs. But its not my bday and xmas passed :p

Originally Posted by Que?
You're honestly going to try and say since our average points per a noble is less than yours that you are better than us?

I honestly would have answered YES.

Thanks Kanye - your welcome, but i am not kanye.

"Yes, you are conquering quite nicely, which just makes the rest of your tribe look that much worse if over 30 of those 270 conquered villages were one player...so thanks for proving my/our point..."

Hi Mashman, 30 of 270 is jst over 10%.. so how does this prove your point? and keep in mind he has a gazillion more nobles than most of us :p

First off lets start with the Kanye thing. It was a joke.. relating to Kanye West interrupting Taylor Swift at the eh.. one of the awards shows. You must live under a rock not to make that connection.

Second off, for you to have any reasonable or tribal wars related knowledge is hardly believable with stats like these:

Only Inactives and Barbs.. congrats?

El Alma quit before your first noble, I'd know, I sat chris2218 and saw all the mails from her, don't even try to say she wasn't inactive.

Outside of that... you internalled... how many players? I mean really. Out of everyone in BJ who I have respect for as a player, you are the only one posting, and you really have little to no idea how to play properly.
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