Shouldn't there have been a poll about this yesterday?
I'm voting for 100 percent tribal dominance that's all I know.
I think 75-80% domination
We are working out the win conditions for the poll and they will be posted soon..![]()
Thanks, glad to hear that it's being worked on. Looks like I better get ready, things are about to go down it seems.
Not really. Recruiting some big players from T2 to your new tribe wont impact anything. But you could always try!
I personally do not want anything under 100% domination
Yeah, you are probably right. I never denied you guys were going to win. I mean you guys had at least 2 people planted in TIP feeding you information and telling TIP that you guys would never attack. I know for a fact their is one person in TIP who you are trying to recruit to join you guys right now probably more. If you want to go really far back we could talk about how Ashley was Bsed by you guys. I mean if you guys are really as good as you think you are you might as well declare on Decept. It's not like you aren't used to stabbing tribes in the back. You guys are double everyone else. I just don't see the point in playing mind games and the tactics that you guys are utilizing. Everyone would gain so much more respect for you guys if you just declared war on everyone in the world right now. I hope you don't see this as an attack on your skill level. I don't doubt your ability as a player but I am just stating some of the facts.
Couldnt have said that better myself. I tried to warn TIP about the Butter/EGO tribe but they wouldnt listen. They have stabbed tribes in the back many times, hugged, cheated twice now (yes I know about the TW ERROR Jofess thing), used plants, spies, recruited the competition and there is no skill in any of that.
I am just glad that you and others have seen what has happened Terror. Bad way to win a world using everything but skill to do so but I suppose a win is a win for them. I am afraid thats what TW is coming to now with win any way you can rather than sticking to playing via skill and limited diplomacy.
It will be known as the 'CIRCUS WORLD'
I find it quite amusing to see how far people will go to win a game that is meant to just be for fun. Too many people take this game way too seriously. Nothing against trying to win, but if you win the wrong way then it is the equivalent of losing, but to me much worse. I hope people in Ego! read this and begin to understand that winning isn't everything in this game. Gaining the respect of the competition and of the community is just as important, but maybe they really are just egotistical.
I find it quite amusing to see how far people will go to win a game that is meant to just be for fun. Too many people take this game way too seriously. Nothing against trying to win, but if you win the wrong way then it is the equivalent of losing, but to me much worse. I hope people in Ego! read this and begin to understand that winning isn't everything in this game. Gaining the respect of the competition and of the community is just as important, but maybe they really are just egotistical.
I think some accs in Ego definately deserve respect for what they reached on this world if you consider how hard they were gangbanged at start up, that also is/was the reason we needed diplomacy. Also Ego never backstabbed a tribe, we put conditions on each relationship we had and we never broke them. The only bad thing you can talk about is what happened to avenger and all i can say is that the player who did that was immediately kicked from the acc. He played with us for 1 week that's it. People should already know this but seem to ignore it
Sorry, I find it hard to trust you. I know about the deal you made with Ashley. I sat the account for a bit and know for 99 percent certainty that you made a deal with her about Batali members joining Ego! if she launched all her nukes on Decept or something along those lines. That might not be the full story, but that isn't sticking to your word. All I ask for is the truth. Tell the truth and I will gain my respect for you, but until you tell the truth for what it is I won't respect you. You can PM in game the truth or tell it here. I'm just tired of hearing so many lies from everybody.