How much more Pathedic can a server get ?

Im not Crazy Henkie.

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Everyone in attack and bnb want to say they don't hug and they have fought this whole world.
But this world is newer then W32 (obviously) Attack and BnB have more internals and barb nobles then any tribe on W32, and this world is most likely going to end before W32.

It's crazy to think BnB players, most of them know if they don't make it into attack they didn't win the world. But for some reason are still okay with 2nd place. Even though its mostly likely going to mean some of them being eaten, or attack back stabbing them in order to gain the 75% they need to win the world but BnB is still okay with that.

And if you talk with them in a few months they will say they "won" W33 although they are in 2nd place tribe :D


And if you talk with them in a few months they will say they "won" W33 although they are in 2nd place tribe :D

I already know because they say that now haha. I was talking to one of BnB members and he said

"Sounds like a lot of jealousy coming from you. I bet you just wished you were in an alliance with Attack so you guys could win the world too. So what if we don't finish the world in the Attack tribe, we still will finish the world knowing we helped out friends win. There for I will say I have won"

It was the most bogus thing I have ever read. darksoulhollow famous quote from this world. Will forever go down when hes rimmed by Attack if Attack chooses to not invite him haha.


This is what half players in Attack and half the players in BnB accounts will look like for the hugging win because they just want to win instead of fight for victory :



maybe if you guys sent some attacks at us than it wouldn't be so easy to win this world, but propaganda doesn't win worlds, troops do. When you learn this fact then you will have a chance to win a world, until then stop bitching and trying to turn everyone in the world against us just because we are winning, cuz it obviously wont work


maybe if you guys sent some attacks at us than it wouldn't be so easy to win this world, but propaganda doesn't win worlds, troops do. When you learn this fact then you will have a chance to win a world, until then stop bitching and trying to turn everyone in the world against us just because we are winning, cuz it obviously wont work

This ain't about propaganda or biatching , this is true facts , when you can indeed explain to me how Attack , BnB , Superior ,Twats , Wench and etc all didn't hug and merge for the win then I won't call you all out on it . Why don't you all actually stop hugging for the win and fight for it then you will all see what playing TW is all about , your only interested in a easy win and titles , but those titles don't mean crap to players like me who know how you got them .

No Hugs is the only tribe who has honor in world 33 IMO and this is my first time playing US server , doesn't take much to see what is going on with World 33 even a beginner noob could probably notice it , you complain we are not fighting , but we are , you just don't see it because hugging 3\4 quarters of the world makes look like that .

Good day blindy


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maybe if you guys sent some attacks at us than it wouldn't be so easy to win this world, but propaganda doesn't win worlds, troops do. When you learn this fact then you will have a chance to win a world, until then stop bitching and trying to turn everyone in the world against us just because we are winning, cuz it obviously wont work


BnB shouldn't be lumped into the same mold as Attack, imo. BnB did almost all of the work in taking us out, and then Attack just benefited from it, after recruiting all the top players instead of fighting them. BnB has earned the world win.

As to Baron's talk of backstabbing--you mean like when NoHugs (including you, if I recall correctly) betrayed our alliance to attack me and cat me to nothing because of a miscommunication over a barb (umad? did the same thing to me, but I survived that) and because we finally fell to a months-long onslaught from Attack and BnB?

NoHugs fell faster than we did, without reaching the ODD I had when I started to crumble--which is sad, because everyone in NoHugs is more powerful than I was then. Maybe if NoHugs had spent more time fighting BnB and Attack instead of nuking me, the situation wouldn't be what it is now.


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BnB shouldn't be lumped into the same mold as Attack, imo. BnB did almost all of the work in taking us out, and then Attack just benefited from it, after recruiting all the top players instead of fighting them. BnB has earned the world win.

As to Baron's talk of backstabbing--you mean like when NoHugs (including you, if I recall correctly) betrayed our alliance to attack me and cat me to nothing because of a miscommunication over a barb (umad? did the same thing to me, but I survived that) and because we finally fell to a months-long onslaught from Attack and BnB?

NoHugs fell faster than we did, without reaching the ODD I had when I started to crumble--which is sad, because everyone in NoHugs is more powerful than I was then. Maybe if NoHugs had spent more time fighting BnB and Attack instead of nuking me, the situation wouldn't be what it is now.

As far as my knowledge goes, we never had an alliance? Hard to betray what isn't there. Also, it is possible that I'm remembering incorrectly as it has been so long ago, but we have had zero allies this whole world.


As far as my knowledge goes, we never had an alliance? Hard to betray what isn't there. Also, it is possible that I'm remembering incorrectly as it has been so long ago, but we have had zero allies this whole world.

You should ask wicked for the chat logs, but i'm sure he deleted them already xD


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There was certainly one. We established it after finally ending the one with DnD. Wick3d even talked about end-of-world tribe merging; he was the one who laid out the alliance terms. I'm not surprised, granted, and wasn't surprised then. But it certainly doesn't qualify as any sort of "honor" to turn on an ally because they were being beaten back.


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If it makes you feel better, I'm not sure any of us knew anything about any alliance, so if we broke something, it was unknowingly.



BnB shouldn't be lumped into the same mold as Attack, imo. BnB did almost all of the work in taking us out, and then Attack just benefited from it, after recruiting all the top players instead of fighting them. BnB has earned the world win.

As to Baron's talk of backstabbing--you mean like when NoHugs (including you, if I recall correctly) betrayed our alliance to attack me and cat me to nothing because of a miscommunication over a barb (umad? did the same thing to me, but I survived that) and because we finally fell to a months-long onslaught from Attack and BnB?

NoHugs fell faster than we did, without reaching the ODD I had when I started to crumble--which is sad, because everyone in NoHugs is more powerful than I was then. Maybe if NoHugs had spent more time fighting BnB and Attack instead of nuking me, the situation wouldn't be what it is now.

Aria there wasnt a miscommunication, you were told no dont take the villa there and ended up doing it anyways. So thats not a miscommunication that was you doing things your own way and then started complaining about it on the discord server because you went ahead and did it anyways. You were the creator of your own demise there.

Second, NoHugs hasnt fallen and I have had the ODD you have carried throughout the world (because you made everyone in your tribe, and asked people in DnD too as well, support you and would get angry in Discord when no one would, or say things like "If I took those villas they would be safe and I shouldve taken them my self" ) for some time now. 16.53 million ODD as of today, highest in the world/highest in the war we are in against BnB and Attack. I have lost 4 villas, conquered 3, for a net worth of 1 lost villa. So when you say NoHugs has fallen I laugh out loud, because honestly I look around and dont see it.

maybe if you guys sent some attacks at us than it wouldn't be so easy to win this world, but propaganda doesn't win worlds, troops do. When you learn this fact then you will have a chance to win a world, until then stop bitching and trying to turn everyone in the world against us just because we are winning, cuz it obviously wont work

Snow, we cant attack you guys and you know that. Even if we could, we wouldnt be able to put up the same amount of fire power as if BnB and Attack were to attack each other. We have to be defensive turtles because of the situation we are in, because if we werent then we would never survive. So if you want a real fight, a fair fight, a fight where the other side will fight back then turn your nukes towards Attack, I guarantee you will get more of the type of response you are looking for.
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Snow, we cant attack you guys and you know that. Even if we could, we wouldnt be able to put up the same amount of fire power as if BnB and Attack were to attack each other. We have to be defensive turtles because of the situation we are in, because if we werent then we would never survive. So if you want a real fight, a far fight, a fight where the other side will fight back then turn your nukes towards Attack, I guarantee you will get more of the type of response you are looking for.

Thanks Kat , couldn't have said it better myself , but they won't turn their nukes , they just want to hug for the winning title and it is a hug win for sure , sure you can say oh well we fought such and such , but all I seen was you all taking better players out of each tribe who betrayed their tribes , merge accounts , and merge for the win , it's a no honorable win in my book anything else to justify your win is from all your delusions .


So if you want a real fight, a far fight, a fight where the other side will fight back then turn your nukes towards Attack, I guarantee you will get more of the type of response you are looking for.

Not sure why people keep on suggesting this, but this has a 0% chance of ever happening. Even if we go back a couple months when many things were still uncertain, this wouldn't happen because of 1) TWITS (BnB) position on the map and because of 2) some certain interpersonal relationships.

And @Baron, I commend you on your dedication to repeating the same things over and over again. Like 3 pages of this. But I get that this is your thread and you can echo all you want in here :D

Oh yeah and
it's a no honorable win in my book anything else to justify your win is from all your delusions .

Just like how your justifying your loss by claiming everybody besides NOHUGS are hugging? Just because your tribe name is NOHUGS doesn't mean you get the privilege of doing that :rolleyes: But I guess any form of diplomacy is considered hugging now huh


Not sure why people keep on suggesting this, but this has a 0% chance of ever happening. Even if we go back a couple months when many things were still uncertain, this wouldn't happen because of 1) TWITS (BnB) position on the map and because of 2) some certain interpersonal relationships.

And @Baron, I commend you on your dedication to repeating the same things over and over again. Like 3 pages of this. But I get that this is your thread and you can echo all you want in here :D

Oh yeah and

Just like how your justifying your loss by claiming everybody besides NOHUGS are hugging? Just because your tribe name is NOHUGS doesn't mean you get the privilege of doing that :rolleyes: But I guess any form of diplomacy is considered hugging now huh

But that's right Dreamy only No Hugs played the game right , we didn't mass recruit , like BnB and Attack did , we didn't merge for a win , like your doing , we didn't back stab like you all are doing and going to do , your lame period.

And LOL any form of diplomacy , sure Diplomacy is alright to some extent , but you hugged like 70 percent of the world , I mean cmon' man , us server is small enough .


If playing the game right is to get half the world to flip sides through DM, i don't wanna play right :p Also I think that falls under the category of """"""backstabbing"""""" don't ya think?

And don't give me that shit like it was "necessary" to survive because you guys are at an disadvantage because you have been harping about "justice" and playing this game the "right way" this entire thread.

Oh yes, and please do tell me who I "merged" with besides my co (and people who gifted me their villages don't count by the way) I think like a third of my villages at this point are barbs now, but I think you guys have a better ratio than I do? :))) Just a fact that you forgot to mention in your 3 pages of posts, so I'll just remind you right here
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If playing the game right is to get half the world to flip sides through DM, i don't wanna play right :p Also I think that falls under the category of """"""backstabbing"""""" don't ya think?

And don't give me that shit like it was "necessary" to survive because you guys are at an disadvantage because you have been harping about "justice" and playing this game the "right way" this entire thread.

Just keep Dreaming Huggy there's no justification for your hugging even some of your own tribemates said you hugged the world

P.S. I can care a less if I win this world or any world , but I sure wouldn't want a title I hugged ,backstabbed and merged for the win for , it would just leave a bad taste in my mouth