The Avenging Sword of Taste and Decency


Denizens of Tribalwars US,

If We may beg your indulgence for just a moment, We would direct your attention from your unjustified consumption of water, oxygen and all things needed to sustain human life to this announcement of prodigious potency and significance.

And He (Jesus) asked him (the man), "What is thy name?" And he answered, saying, "My name is Legion: for we are many.

- Gospel of Mark, 5:9

Like unto the Demon from that Holy Book, We are many yet We are One. We have watched and We have seen. You. Each of you. Little as you are. Misguided as you are. We have pitied but We have understood, for Our burden cannot be bourne without compassion. Our Mantle to elevate others not as fortunate to be Us (not .us, Us).

You have toiled. You have given your time, you have paid with yours or your parents hard earned wealth. You have sacrificed from your potential social lives and your professional/academic prospects. For this game. And you have accomplished nothing.

You have descended rather into a cesspit. A server not known for excellence or for great players that conquer other servers. A server that many good players do not take seriously. One that many associate with "pay to win" and not with any level of threat. A community that many see as just speed players or worse!

But that ends . . . .

For We are come and We shall teach you where no one good has bothered to. We shall elevate you where no one good thought you could be. We shall show you what you have not had the privilege of seeing yet.

We are the Avenging Sword of Taste and Decency. And this server shall rise from insignificance on the edge of our blade. One day the lands of .net from whose offal you were scattered as refuse shall tremble at the return of its prodigal offspring from wedlock. Your time shall come because We shall help you!.

You are welcome.

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Thank you for your insignificant inquiry.

This is a Proclamation. Of an Intention. By Us.


I sure hope so!!! We need some competition... We need to learn from the best (lol...those from .net)


Thank you all for your irrelevant opinions.

We are Truth, just as We are Power and Grace. And the Truth dictates that miscreants such and you and you and all your brethren that infest the rotted woodwork of this corner of Tribal Wars be no longer allowed to wallow in your on ineptitude.

It is true that We champion a standard you have yet to attain the capacity to comprehend, but time has tempered Our mettle with cognizance. When we once would have deemed you below Our attention and beyond Our redemption, we now feel compassion for your sub-mediocrity and gentle our judgment with lenity.

Ergo We shall raise you. Raise you such that you may know what is good and you may recognize how far you were from it. That you may feel achievement for what you became, and in such, shame for what you were (are).

You are welcome.


you think your a champion? pshh please save that for the world :D


ohhhhhhh ED dont get the mighty glory pervis mad now he might let his friend jesus unleash a wrath to us all :D.


Tell me miscreant, how far did Our literary weave go above your languid understanding of letters, words and sentences? Your response has no correlation to Our post.

Put simply, you did not understand Us.

Now please remain silent while We are speaking. Tis for your benefit after all.


Pervis forgive me out thou leader of the glorious army, how thou may be forgiven? please except my deep apology for challenging such a mighty foe, I almost feel dizzy from what i have witnessed please Pinky bring me the pillow to rest on my head for i seen the talent he brings forth


Such words of the written, before thy who speaks no truth or matter, the words of context that should be heard and followed, from one as wise as he. Forgive the as they are no worthy of this time you vow. Speak with meaning, and thy shall forgive and follow the in shallow footsteps.


I have now thy acknowledged such brilliance, sparking from a flame of vigilance , I almost feel shy uttering words as such you view my status as thy peasant, maybe my few words have been to "indulgent" i just could not resist bring forth such writings on my part. What have the legends shown us, is this the past and yet the future clumped up unto one pile as thy master speakith to thy servant, it is almost a dream, a dream destined.


Old proverb has it that imitation is flattery. Thus we are not displeased that like termites to a flame, the offal that is you and you are drawn to Our light.

As promised Our mere presence lifts you from your from your depressive state of ignorance unto the first baby steps of enlightenment! You now try to raise your standard of communication by aping Us (poorly). Admittedly your posts don't make much sense and are a painful attempt to sound like Us, but the important thing is you have recognized the benefits of trying to sound like Us as opposed to remaining the way you were.

A monkey that parrots human behavior ludicrously is better than a monkey that remains a monkey. We appreciate your attempt to better your posts. The abysmal state of propaganda in this fora sure could improve from you copying Us (however poorly). Maybe one day you shall even have an original thought to share and be able to share it.

Bur first, baby steps. Baby steps.

You are welcome.
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I do not wish to imitate you, as you did not make such language so your claims are invalid. Many of people have spoketh this language so you my brethren are not among the first, think of it like nobling your first sanctuary, even though you became rank one you are not among the first to do so and when somebody else achieves it you merely glance at the player and say "imitation" that is thy parable i have to compare to such claims. So please when you speakth, utter your words in a careful manner and precision for you do not know what you might say might be of the displeasing


So you don't wish to imitate Us but do so none the less? Your wish to emulate your Betters has become subconscious. We find this encouraging, albeit unsurprising. We have long recognized the importance of re-education of this server's natives to their improvement to basic competence. In this We succeed as in all else.

While your eagerness to leave your former self behind is commendable (and necessary), it may be time to read what you write? The shame you will feel upon cognizance will only chastise you into further self evaluation.

You are welcome.


Firstly you have not created this type of speech so stop acting like you did, secondly I feel your arrogance seeping through, you try to conceal it but it comes out clear and bright none the less and this has made you make assumptions on a level that is beyond even myself, "re-education of this server's natives" i find this particular quote amusing as this is indeed going to be my first time on such a server, as i am among the .net although i do not see this as a bragging point as you seemingly do, i see every player capable of becoming expectational and that should not be taken away from what server such player plays. So please save me the time and effort of correcting your persistent speech.
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.net is unfortunately weighed down by your ilk these days and is scarcely better than this place. As We have stated, We champion a standard of competence you do not meet. .net doesn't meet it either. Far from your being from .net being to your credit, it rather brings to mind what those of your standard has done to that once proud server.

We attain greatness. We understand that that is us. Not you. Never you. But we are compassionate for those like you. Ergo we will raise you. If you knew enough to know that you needed to be raised, you would not need to be raised. That is (part of) Our burden. To help the hapless and share some small portion the fruits of Our abilities.

We note that simply being responded to by Us (twas a time We did not have the kindness to consider responding to those like you) has greatly heightened your sense of perception. You have managed to notice that We are arrogant. Well done. Your re-education progresses.

Every player does not have the capacity to become good. Very few do. Every player may however have the capacity to become somewhat competent. But not without Our help. We see proof all around us. Especially in your ilk. Ergo re-education.

But you, simply reading Our posts you have become enamored of talking like a person. So much so that you cycle around it, unable to speak of aught else. T'would break your heart to change the subject.

You are welcome.
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I am impressed, "oh great one" that you have deigned to come and even recognize this humble server with your presence. The people here, as you, in your infinite wisdom, must already know, are unaware of your great skill and prowess, and thus must be informed. However, I must ask (and I humbly hope that you may in your great power may respond honestly) why you refer to what I can only assume is simply you, yourself as 'We' and 'Us.' Is there some kind of grand conspiracy, a great hive-mind waiting and watching for the right moment to give its, for lack of a better word, hello?


I am impressed, "oh great one" that you have deigned to come and even recognize this humble server with your presence. The people here, as you, in your infinite wisdom, must already know, are unaware of your great skill and prowess, and thus must be informed. However, I must ask (and I humbly hope that you may in your great power may respond honestly) why you refer to what I can only assume is simply you, yourself as 'We' and 'Us.' Is there some kind of grand conspiracy, a great hive-mind waiting and watching for the right moment to give its, for lack of a better word, hello?

It's either that, or Dissociative identity disorder at its finest.


I am impressed, "oh great one" that you have deigned to come and even recognize this humble server with your presence. The people here, as you, in your infinite wisdom, must already know, are unaware of your great skill and prowess, and thus must be informed. However, I must ask (and I humbly hope that you may in your great power may respond honestly) why you refer to what I can only assume is simply you, yourself as 'We' and 'Us.' Is there some kind of grand conspiracy, a great hive-mind waiting and watching for the right moment to give its, for lack of a better word, hello?

Majestic Plural

To educate the masses has its own intrinsic rewards.