Crystal Ball...


Ohhhh well named aren't you?

Seems I also struck a nerve ... or you REALLY got out of bed the wrong side. :D

As for the predictions .... well you have former IDC members on BOTH sides of the current conflict so any decent clairvoyant could twist the result to meet the prediction. OTOH IDC is not in existence of course unless you regard IDC as being wherever the leader goes.

Why does an example of good sportsmanship from elsewhere bother you so much? here are players on US6 who may be similarly sporting although it's not something I've seen much of. Actually I can think of one example and it involves a former Storm, now Void player.

No doubt many Void members simply wanted to stay with friends or felt they d no alternative.


I'm well named huh?

I'm not even the one complaining about things every thread i post in yet I'm representative of my name :rolleyes:

as I said i'm getting tired of every single thread on these forums getting turned into a place for people to whine and complain about the way things are going. If there's any cheating let the mods deal with it. If theres underhand tactics you don't like deal with it in game, these forums already know what the aptly named "FU VOi" members think. Sportsmanship doesn't bother me at all, it's just got no relevance to absolutely anything said in the thread before.

Seeing as how you seem to know the mindset of "many" VOID members maybe you should have a go at predicting the outcome of this world as you seem to have some mysticism going on.


Ohhhh dear.

You really want i both ways don't you. :D

I don't recall making any claim to mysticism so Ive never made predictions.
In fact I'm the first to say you never really know quite what will happen.

Someone predicted not long ago that the eventual winner would be a tribe not then in existence and that appears to be accurate so far.


you guys do know i started this thread joking around to get some people talking in the forum.. guess it worked.
your welcome world 6 now give me some more love! hahaha
and i spy... LOL


looks like most of the stuff i thought came true.. anyone with any new predictions?


hey, ice is back! where ya been?

new prediction: gotU2 will split again. it's coming.


Hmmmm dunno about them but I wouldn't be surprised to see Void split.

There is still time and space for repositioning ... when a few things have taken place.

Looking at the map it's an interesting possibility and would surely shake things up. IF those concerned wanted to of course ... and the time isn't right yet.


My prediction wis comes back with a hateful lust in his eyes and decides to give up on Rl and sits here for days on end :D


Not sure there are enough shoes in the world for you to do that! :p
But 'hateful lust'? You been at the bodice rippers again?

Anyway good to see you refreshed and back in the fray.

Been doing a little mental rebalancing myself. Reviewed a few things and came to some interesting conclusions.