With the declaration of PERV on TBS! Gotta love the invisible time given to prepare for the war! Rank 1 tribe needs a step up to start? Yes indeed! Anyways, I believe this will prove to be a long war of 1-1 1/2 years, so hopefully everyone can suit up and prepare for the long haul! Declaration written by them:
The tribe is now at war with Play Everyday to Repo Villages!
War name: There Can Be Only One
You exist because we allow it. And you will end because we demand it.
Supporting enemies of your ally is not tolerated and is not taken lightly. Yes I have the reports showing so.
You are supposed to be an ally and yet you kill our troops,... NO MORE.
Simple and Sweet
So then, Good luck to all. GO TBS!!!
The tribe is now at war with Play Everyday to Repo Villages!
War name: There Can Be Only One
You exist because we allow it. And you will end because we demand it.
Supporting enemies of your ally is not tolerated and is not taken lightly. Yes I have the reports showing so.
You are supposed to be an ally and yet you kill our troops,... NO MORE.
Simple and Sweet
So then, Good luck to all. GO TBS!!!