
You thought I might attack you and quivered. Now you know I will attack you. Turtle up:)


Careful Zippa you may have to start a follower apology thread...


Dec 05
16:37 The tribe Titanium Armor (disbanded) was defeated.

There goes the almighty TitanA tribe. Disbanded as a failure and merged into the huggy EST.

You cant afford to attack Animal and Z1ppa Zentrum. You guys are already losing the war you are fighting.


Lol you mask your failure to have the top 3 tribes extinguish me now find yourself squared off against the newly formed top tribe. Better call in all your infiltrators for this one!


Lol you mask your failure to have the top 3 tribes extinguish me now find yourself squared off against the newly formed top tribe. Better call in all your infiltrators for this one!

Make sense Zentrum. You merge with the only tribe that will have you. The huggers. They declare on you then make friends. Then stab their only true allies in the back WET and then merge with you. Its laughable.

We are happy to be warring the top tribe and winning with our ally. We arent fussed about that at all. Just a shame that you dont have any clear leadership. Your right hand never knows what the left hand is doing.

And Fist of Fury you are just a poor excuse for a player. You mouthed off about something, cried to anyone that would listen then cried to everyone to get back in. Then when I explained when you backstabbed your own tribe you were removed. Your opinion was, is and always will be pointless because you like Zentrum are a failure in this world. Time will show that.

Zentrum you really need to stop picking fights with tribes because you arent winning the fights you have already caused. If you annoy anymore tribes like Animal it will be an even swifter rimming for you. Only a matter of time before we get through to you and you know it. Thats why you merged


Zippa's your love buddy JAT, part of the clique. I'm sure he can undermine at least one more tribe on his way out:) Keep telling everyone what to do and pretending you have any game...


Zen you would be a much better player if you learned some people skills. You were 10 minutes away from running away with the world, but your burnt bridges caught up with you at the last second. But I guess you fit in with the mighty leader Kiliaen and her 14 internals. They have mad skill over there...


lol mate, my ODA comes from hitting parked Rugged nukes in the silo! Mad skill is not defending with them:)


That's the easy way, try hitting a vila stacked with 4 full d villas it never truns out well, not for me lol


Fist of fury you just have no idea at all. You proved you were a nothing in the game so keep double posting cause no1 cares what you think. Your a tribeless non existent player.

Zentrum are you jealous that I have friends and you dont? I arent jealous of your Kiliaen hug so why are you jealous of my special bond with Z1PPA? At least Z1PPA admits his mistakes.... Do you accept yours?


Guys, please lay off the personal insults, as many of you know, they are not allowed on the forum.

Please familiarise yourselves with the forum rules if you are unsure, which may be found here.

Kind regards,



Okay right :D back to Business, how are the Stats now? Rugged vs Test?


,lol guys zent is better than all of you

haha its funny to read things like that :p

I watched him on several servers and never saw an action that shows me he is a good player :eek:

He cant win this War, because i dont like him :)

But hey guys its a pub, so letz talk about other things :)

Its a Game, so lets see how things will change :D


I'm so excited :D world gonna rock , it's so nice and small


haha its funny to read things like that :p

I watched him on several servers and never saw an action that shows me he is a good player :eek:

He cant win this War, because i dont like him :)

But hey guys its a pub, so letz talk about other things :)

Its a Game, so lets see how things will change :D

Other than the fact he is typically in the top 10 of every world????


Other than the fact he is typically in the top 10 of every world????

Fist Of fury please.... If you are going to say things at least make sure that there is truth in what you say. Here is the stats of your beloved Zentrum.

Can you please explain where he is top 10 in EVERY world apart from w12? He has failed in every world he has played in on the .us server.

US8 he was taken out.... Most Points: 129,892 21st May
US9 he was taken out.... Most Points: 8,681 15th May
us10 he is inactive and has been taken out.... Most Points: 425,735 28th October
us11 failed.... Most Points: 19,934 04th October
us12 yes in the top 10 but I would say in a month that will change to failed Most Points: 112,989 06th December
us13 failed Most Points: 12,689 29th November

Now to me there is only 1 world there where he is top 10 so how is that EVERY world he has played? Now please can we stick to the war facts. TEst are losing and I dont see them lasting very long at all
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TEst is winning the war with a ratio of 1.2.
RUGGED is losing the war with a ratio of 1.1.

Not sure about what WET has been doing lately.
Also, Zentrum has usually been in top 20 in the worlds he played. This is my first .us world but I was curious and checked the stats. It seems to me that in every world he does well and then makes too many enemies. Anyway, this will be interesting. TEst has more members and more force. Not sure what will happen, but I don't see this ending well for RUGGED. (Not taking any sides)


The war stats dont show that they have had 5 players disband so their villas dont show up on the war stats. Like for instance shaowdiver, Trakar and pelinjo who both left. There was 12 villas there that should have been on WETS war stats.

Its close atm but WET are now in motion. Been slow to get off with us losing a player deep in their area. Apart from that WET hasnt taken any major damage or lost ground
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