The Brain Lies Not In The Nuts


i usually do not post any comments here, however, i see that Mrdees states that nuts has no leadership, no skills, and does not know how to use proper tatics,,,,hmmmm,, if my tribe was getting rimmed by a tribe that has no skill, leadership or proper tatics, i for sure would not be in here braging about it. On another note, 187 is only being attacked by 12 members of nuts, forget the amount of fakes being sent, if your tribe was as good as you try to make it sound, you should be able to distinguish from fakes to real. So to sum things up,,, 187 is being rimed by 12 members of nuts who have no skill , no leadership and don't use good tatics,,Hats off to Nuts.


Long Live Excel, mysql and all diy tools that outperform any other tools out there on the web.

Except, that site is awesome!!!

P.s. Btw, I'm no duke, diplomat, baron or hold any leadership position in knuts. I guess that must count for something if you think I'm such a lame player.


Mrdees,,lol,,if beliving your words, and your childish attempt at belittleing people , makes you sleep better at night, than please, continue.However you are right about 1 thing, i got my count wrong, it is 17 players of nuts who are attacking you,not to mention it is not even the top 17 players, and yes you've manged to dodge 100s of fakes, well done.As far as saying you were rimed,, i did not,, i said you were being rimmed, there is a difference.As far as aquiring screen shots and all that jazz to prove my point,, i need not,, in a few days it will show villages that were once owned by redrum, now owned by nuts, and it wil show 17 new names as owners. That is all i have to say, i will no longer take part in your childish conversation, but on closing i want to wish you the best of luck in finding something you are good at and will suceed in, oh, hang on, you are good at shooting crap out of your mouth and making a few people belive you, why dont you give Harold Camping a call, im sure he could use someone of your exceptional skill.


I seriously couldn't be bothered to read majority of things on here, except for starting post, some others, and majority of Googly's.

REDRUM, yes you guys started late, heck I only started 2 days ago and can't really be bothered to put full effort into this world. But you chose your starting time, if you had wanted ot play a world well waiting for US4, then go to . net, they've got plenty of open worlds and more players of higher skill to challenge yourself with if you don't like the quality of players on . US. So please stop mentioning how you started late, we are aware of it and it doesn't really matter, I've seen people single handly take on tribes by themselves and come out looking good even when they lost. Heck I have a friend who got gang banged by 2 tribes of million point players and came out only losing a couple villages. So you if you have the skill you claim to, then taking out Nuts should be no problem at all for you guys. So please stop this talk of how much bigger they are.

Also, MunsterAbu please stop saying such childish things. You can throw down a challenge but the person you challenge gets to set the terms, that is how it goes. Go fight him on . net what server it takes place on shouldn't matter.

As for posts from Nuts and 187 players, please rethink majority of posts from both sides, it would be much appreciated.


Bottom line, so we can close the thread

Nutsak >>> redrum

Dinner is served


I seriously couldn't be bothered to read majority of things on here, except for starting post, some others, and majority of Googly's.

Also, MunsterAbu please stop saying such childish things. You can throw down a challenge but the person you challenge gets to set the terms, that is how it goes. Go fight him on . net what server it takes place on shouldn't matter. .
If he isn't sure, don't force him in to it :p
I'm not mean enough to imply someone is a coward for being too scared to accept terms of a 1v1 - that would just be cruel.


Also, MunsterAbu please stop saying such childish things. You can throw down a challenge but the person you challenge gets to set the terms, that is how it goes. Go fight him on . net what server it takes place on shouldn't matter.

Keep out of it. It's got nothing to do with you. Googlys a big girl now and can look after herself.


Bottom line, so we can close the thread

Nutsak >>> redrum

Dinner is served

No because we started the thread and aren't finished with roasting your nuts yet. We've only roasted one side. The other side have to be done yet and then we can sit down to dinner.

Sweet Jesus a tribe called Nuts leave themselves open to so much comic material.
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Ok, you opened the post....ok, we arelousy players...ok, whatever....see you on the battlefield



If he isn't sure, don't force him in to it :p
I'm not mean enough to imply someone is a coward for being too scared to accept terms of a 1v1 - that would just be cruel.

Your one of the few that actually post things that are decent to read :p

Your not, but I am ;)

Keep out of it. It's got nothing to do with you. Googlys a big girl now and can look after herself.

Such a temper :S

Did I ever say Googly isn't? Last time I checked this was a public forum, and anything anyone said in the open for the public to read was open to comments from the public about what they said and possibly how they are acting.

i.e. someone letting his temper claim him and began to say nonsense things and refused to go to another server should be open to public critiscm.

But that's my opinion...


redrum ni ruoy peels

We couldn't bother waiting for a new world to open up. This tribe mainly consists of the same members, at the very least the same council as dream-team and team-virtus (after a name change) which have catched 22 tribal milestones on a rather competitive world as uk2 which had about 5 pre-mades. Bit more or bit less, don't remember quite well how much .. Nonetheless it was a competitive world were the top tribes were far from huggers.

I myself am about to go down. Good to see nuts have learned from this and jumped on to noblenukes. Pure power will get them to win. No tactics, no coordination, nothing that requires any skillz or knowledge of the game. Just pure power. If you consider the duke uses excell while they are far more specially for tw designed tools to find on the web, clearly shows me the knowledge of this tribe. Well you're gonna have a lot of pain in the process of getting me down and I don't give the slightest to get rimmed. Shouldn't be wasting my time on this game anyways, got enough important things to do in real life.

you go to the rim mrdees and well my noble nukes will rain down again untill k0 where once again i will be ther nobling your tough forum bashing but note not 1 incoming from you since i nuked your sad tribe who couldnt even send you 200 spears once u lost your sniping troops. as for chopper get unbaned and see how long you last in your present area and remember 1 thing u dirty mouth brown nose that even if u catted your vills to 40 points i would still enjoy faking and nuking till u hit 50 points then i would use a sat account to noble you ask a friend to start on this world in your area just to cat u from ever passing 3k point villages again

you both have said lots about our flaws but your own characters r your own flaws and the laughs i have here on skype with true friends is more then either of you will ever have besides your you tube accounts...

biggest tough guy fail REDRUM y well they warred like chicken soup and with there heads up there cow bells.

ty bob for posting 4 me and so i say to the forum flies maybe you could noble on the forums in loser vill and play with your Dingaling's next time chopper don`t choke on mrdee`s

carsinated ( noob owning forum ho`s ) time4sleep


biggest tough guy fail REDRUM y well they warred like chicken soup and with there heads up there cow bells.

ty bob for posting 4 me and so i say to the forum flies maybe you could noble on the forums in loser vill and play with your Dingaling's next time chopper don`t choke on mrdee`s

carsinated ( noob owning forum ho`s ) time4sleep

What drugs are you taking?
Up the dosage. They aren't working.


i.e. someone letting his temper claim him and began to say nonsense things and refused to go to another server should be open to public critiscm.

But that's my opinion...

I offered next world on here, she offered next world on .net.

I'm not going there she's not playing here. So looks like a stalemate. I'm not scared though.
I'm just not paying pp for a third server. That's my only reason for not playing on .net.

So stick your criticism where the sun don't shine once googly removes her head.


4. Yes, I do. If you kill half the attack, the village will still drop in loyalty as 1 noble will survive. That's the whole point of noble attacks. Heck, I even have used 3 in the past in single attacks, if I believe it's worth it when planning a launch. It's worked wonders for me in the past.

definitely not this circumstance. They have more villages and therefore more troops. I would not have been able to stack up to the nuke and kill the noble anyway, so it would have been better to send the nobles separate. This also was the last noble to hit in a THREE noble train between 2 villages over 3 seconds. Separating them would've made it 4 noble hits.

heres the situations I can think of how I could've defended from what could happen if the 2 nobles WERE sent separately:
1.stack up enough in the snipe for the first noble attack from the second village (why would you snipe that attack???) and kill one noble but still get cleared. But then the second noble hits and you've done the same amount of damage.
2.stack up for the first noble attack from this village, get cleared and he gets off 2 noble hits rather than one.
3.snipe the last noble between the 2 from this village and he still does the same nobility damage that he's done by sending two in one attack.
4.stack up against the first attack from this village and clear the attack and the one after. (you've lost the same amount of troops anyway.)

So, no matter what, it's dumb to put them in the same attack. You do the same if not more damage nobility-wise and cannot lose anymore than putting them together.

He's just is incapable of sending sub-second trains and fears his trains getting sniped because of that.


Your one of the few that actually post things that are decent to read :p

Aww, thanks :truelove:

I offered next world on here, she offered next world on .net.

I'm not going there she's not playing here. So looks like a stalemate. I'm not scared though.
I'm just not paying pp for a third server. That's my only reason for not playing on .net.

I'll be female if you like. Doesn't bother me :p

If premium is the issue, I'm more than happy to cover you for a month. That's most likely all the time it would take me to completely beat you anyway ;)

definitely not this circumstance. They have more villages and therefore more troops. I would not have been able to stack up to the nuke and kill the noble anyway, so it would have been better to send the nobles separate. This also was the last noble to hit in a THREE noble train between 2 villages over 3 seconds. Separating them would've made it 4 noble hits.

With an explanation of the situation like that, I have nothing to negatively say on the topic (aimed at the OP anyway). Thanks for being the first person (from .187?) I've seen to post a decent, well thought-out comment :)


I have seen nothing from nuts that proves they have the talent they continue to tell us they have. at least dees started off with the "proof" of screen shots of the snipes.

one complaint was that some one didnt snipe the "correct" noble. are you for real? what does it matter? we didnt say we where perfect. only that we are stunned to still be here. If your tribe had the skilz that you say that you do... why are we still here?

I am joining W57 .net. How about a 1 v 1 there? Or is that too much of a challenge for you to rise to?

I will accept that challenge. which direction? want me close? or would you prefer distance? I will use the same name. how about you?


I offered next world on here, she offered next world on .net.

I'm not going there she's not playing here. So looks like a stalemate. I'm not scared though.
I'm just not paying pp for a third server. That's my only reason for not playing on .net.

So stick your criticism where the sun don't shine once googly removes her head.

I usually don't play with premium as I'm capable of handling my account if I actually care about the world without for as long as I want until I get to big like 500K plus. Through I've learned ways to go around without it and still be succesful.

As for that comment...
A) I don't see Googly doing that anytime soon.
B) It is physical and completely impossible to stick something up there that doesn't have actual physical substance.
C) I would recommend a therapist for that temper of yours.
D) Learn to handle public opinions and thoughts as no matter what you say or do, your going to receive it whether you like it or not.


ah.. so lets make 2 tribes :p one for googly and the other one for.. munster? wings? (either one) :p



... why are we still here?
Hehe, you will not be there for long, if you didn't know :)

There are 7.600 players in this world, but the world is so small, that 6.000 of these players are living on the rim not getting anywhere, as the world is closed.

This also means that the core is very near to the rim already, and that the mighty players in the core will swallow any resistance on their way to the outer border, except those too small for them to attack (20:1 limit). They hardly need to use any tactics at all to achive that, just brute force is more than good enough :)

So there you go...whatever you do, the core will eat you in time, so just have some fun as long as you can, while we wait for W4 to start. This world was all over long time ago :)
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tisk tisk brown brown

#55 may 25th, 20:34

I have no idea where to start here because you are so darn wrong. But let's give it a shot anyways.

  • I'm not being rimmed yet. I've surpassed hundreds of incomings and dozens of nobles without a single village lost. so how can I brag about something that is clearly not happening?

Oh and +1 Shane. I would be ashamed to have an ally with something like Nuts.

May 26,2011 03:07

only 7 hours later and well RIMMED by :smack: :if: :smack:

FAIL- MrDeesMrDees
highest points : 0
Best Rank: 7575\7575
Opponents defeated: 1 (7575.)
Disgraceful Tribe: 187.
Location on US3: On da Rim wipeing off the brown
TW Future: please refere to quote above (so how can I brag about something that is clearly not happening?) mrdees u r right this is a bad dream once again don`t worry Mommy will tuck you back into these forums and make sure the skid marks are red not brown.

now to get chopper out there with you once i am finished toying with his 40 point villages in k45 o wait they r a little higher great no 20-1 stopping me from pawning your dirty little


Does your wife know you have been looking at your sons nuts ??? (couldn`t resist as you put it so well naming your village)
