
So we are back from another day into the 5 day cease fire period. And more and more players are coming up with Circular mails, skype convos, and questions. I asked sweeney about the conversation he had on skype that he posted in the other thread. Here is what he had to say

Sweeney today at 03:38
1) what exactly happened with this player What did he do?

Jimmy/The Art of War/The Scientist/Pursuit of Happiness was a friend of mine. We played a couple of world on the .net server together. When I heard Jimmy was back playing TW, I asked him if he'd be interested playing an account in JUNK. He accepted. Approximately 2 weeks after he took the account, we got word that .Centurion. had deleted. Jimmy had an issue with a different member over some claims (I won't go into detail). This subsequently led to me asking him to leave the account.

The next morning I looked at the forums and saw the thread. He had screenshotted our forums (plans) and posted them. An act of betrayal no doubt. After some research I concluded that Pursuit of Happiness was him. When I confronted him, he denied it at first, and stooped to attempting to frame his coplayer. But he then confessed (which you can find a screenshot of in the forum).

2) Why is margol not mentioned in this conversation?

That situation had nothing to do with Margol. It was simply a member of ours purposely leaking information onto the forums.

3) what does he betrayal mean to you in this war?

Jimmy's betrayal accelerated our plans. We had not intended for the war to happen now. Thus, we have had to get support moving quickly. It also means that we may (or may not) switch OP targets - as Jimmy's post clearly outlined our initial targets. But, you know, these things happen. We will move on and plan accordingly.

If that doesn't clarify anything then IDK what will. He claims it did not have anything to do with margol. But does margol know different?
We also go a missing piece of the puzzle from our skype chat submitted in yesterday by Bossman07 lets take a look

Pawel ''SDT'' I.: I have a plan Boss, I think you be happy to hear it.
BossMan07: im listening
pawel ''SDT'' I.: I think it's unfair that LDE members have to pay for mistake.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: For my *
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: My plan is perfect.. But it has sacrifices unfortunately.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: This really depends where your trust level stands with me.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: But, this would allow JUNK to win war very fast.
BossMan07: :D
BossMan07: we dont want that
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Heh.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: So let's talk about it like I said.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Duke and duke talk.
BossMan07: we are..the war isnt about you personal though
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Why wasn't my name on your OP list. What's in it for me?
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: That's what confuses me.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: :O
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Wtf.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: So why hit LDE members if they done no harm?
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Allow me to explain.
BossMan07: we cant hug it out tp a happy ending
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: You want to OP these players.
BossMan07: we want a good fight
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: If you want a good fight
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: LDE members don't have to be hit
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: There is a good fight with Legend/RAWR/Wolves
BossMan07: we are going out with a BANG
BossMan07: we will be hitting them too
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Why LDE members ?
BossMan07: Junk vs the world
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Why not just come to an agreement with me.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: ?
BossMan07: my members are bored
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: And allow my players to join your cause
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: ?
BossMan07: they want some action
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Tell me?
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Cool.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: But answer me.
BossMan07: I did
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: You didn't
BossMan07: why not take us on
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Because attacking friends isn't easy for me.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Especially Sweeney who I have built a close relation with.
BossMan07: lol ill fight sweeney
BossMan07: we are friends but we will fight its a game and by the end someones gonna end up losing
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: I just can't attack friends.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: LDE and JUNK declare on whole world together and fight it out in the end.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: We showed you LDE can be fun.
BossMan07: In the end there can only be one winner
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Yes
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Hence why I said.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Declare on all tribes.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Together
BossMan07: so what you just throw your others away to the side
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: And than fight out it out in the end
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: You talking about recruitment ?
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Wise ?
BossMan07: if you wont fight us now with better odds what makes you wanna fight us then?
BossMan07: once this is all said and done end game will prob be in affect
BossMan07: yea and morale is gonna blow
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: No talking morale here.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: I am just saying.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: LDE and JUNK, take on world, once that is done 7days to prepare for war against each other. No recruitment allowed, the better side wins, that's a fair agreement.
BossMan07: not to your tribe
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: What do you mean by that ?
BossMan07: look at our growth vs yours
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Hasn't LDE been keeping up ?
BossMan07: no
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: My original aim was to stick 50% the size of JUNK.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: And, we have been doing it.
BossMan07: 2 LDE 6.086.654 6.086.654 36 169.074 720 8.454
3 RAWR 3.130.332 3.130.332 32 97.823 439 7.131
4 LEGEND 2.518.580 2.518.580 30 83.953 350 7.196
5 Wolves 1.632.439 1.632.439 25 65.298 284 5.748 between these tribes together you have

Pawel ''SDT'' I.: And you see.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Here is the problem.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: You jumped ahead.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Thinking these tribes would join us.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Why ?
BossMan07: When LDE falls who will we move on next
BossMan07: thats whats on every leaders mind also
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Wrong.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Everyone thinks this is LDE's and JUNK's master plan.
BossMan07: (shake)
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Now you know the truth.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Now, I see why Sweeney didn't ask me to delete.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Didn't want me *
BossMan07: hmm?
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Because Sweeney knows, I am the only one who can put up a challenge. For JUNK.
BossMan07: i think Ive been saying that
Pawel ''SDT'' I. (facepalm)
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: It's not that by being duke of LDE.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: It's the fact, I know how I can reunite the whole world vs you.
BossMan07: (y)
BossMan07: I mean I basicly told you
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: You leave me alone, I will give you the best experience your players will ever have.
BossMan07: thats no fun
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: It is fun.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Because I will lead my players and the other tribes against JUNK
BossMan07: but you dont want us to attack you
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: If you take out the master mind of those operations, there will be no fun.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Just me.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: Not LDE
BossMan07: lol yall could take out myself or sweeney and we would still fight
Pawel ''SDT'' I.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: I know.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: But, I don't have the time to plan/lead a big coalition. I have a life.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: I will only have time if you leave me alone, and you have my promise I will give you most fun you ever see.
Pawel ''SDT'' I.: You will than see how experienced of a war leader I can be.

So what is the verdict? More and more tribes are getting involved daily What is happening? Also i received another circular mail sent by margol. I obtained it through margol aswell

Margol Jan 19,2014 14:18
Tribal Circular.

Good morning all,

We must now start planning for our war against JUNK. The estimated time of declaration (and initiation of attacks) is 15:00 on 1st Feb.

We will be hitting them with full force. We want each of you to be ready for this war. Be ready to give it your all. We know that JUNK will attempt to rally other tribes to their cause. Thus, this could be the biggest war we will face. We want you to build up and prepare to commit yourself 100% to this cause. We will show the world why we are better than them. By outsmarting them.

I need you to give me a rough estimation for each of these questions:

1. How many nukes will you have on the 1st Feb? And how many cats are in these nukes?

2. How much defense will you have on the 28th Jan? Please include any catapults you have to spare.

3. Do you have a bonfire?

4. Will you require extra defense for this war? In which case I will discuss support with you over the coming days.

Every member is required to reply to this mail.

Thank you,

So did margol know about this war all along? Who is more prepared? Who will come out on top?

Margol today at 12:16
There is no need to expose anything, i admit to one thing, i was plotting vs JUNK first, i have nothing to hide or deny. This has been in the air longer than you think, the first phase was to get JUNK to drop the alliance with LDE, without us having to worry, everything was already planned on forward from there.

Margols comment after I asked him was he ever going to expose JUNK with the information he knew.
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aSo we are back with more we have an anonymous conversation and some past information on LDE opertaions

DannoT36 today at 13:28
The top one is a mail from PiG to Margol. Second two came from a shared forum of the coalition that we crushed.
katunaka today at 13:27
Where did you get this?
DannoT36 today at 13:18
PainIsGain238 on 12.28. at 11:27
We got owned.

NoW - PainIsGain238 today at 07:57
We have been screwed like no other.

N7 - csbarber today at 08:52
My two nukes and noble trains went splat as well.

So with this being said does LDE have the balls to take on JUNK? Does JUNK have what it takes to take the whole world down? Only time will tell

katunaka: What do you have on JUNK that is so revealing?

anonymous: I will ask you a question, why have JUNK members been recently deleting their accounts?

katunaka: They have? I did not notice..... Are you apart of that?

anonymous.: Terror and Centurion were great friends of Margol, but when it came to the point that they had to fight against him, they decided to delete and part ways with the world.

katunaka: Hmmmm that is true im looking at the nobleings now. So how many more will leave?

anonymous.: Only Margol will know. You would have to ask him directly to comment on this.
.: Are you aware that Mokdad has now began to approach smaller tribes to support his villages? do we have a point whore here? what do you think?

katunaka: Mokdad is the number one guy in the world he cant of made it their with minimal troops?

anonymous: What incredible has he done that has shocked the world?

katunaka: what has he done?

annonymous: Yes, you tell me what incredible has he done, tell me what major players he took out to make an impact in this world and claim himself being top1?
: Lord Super? a player who decided to quit? and went inactive?
: Lord Grim Reaper? who personally approached Margol and said he was quitting due to lack of interest?
.: TheCorolho? who was back-stabbed by Mokdad when he claimed he was his PA?
: Now, going back to my question, why do we have a player that is top1 requesting for support from other tribes? is he really shocked of what Margol had planned? was JUNK prepared for this?

katunaka: IDK maybe not we will see the war starts after the suoerbowl?

Annonymous: There was a special bridge built with Mokdad/Margol, when Margol puts his trust into someone it stays there unless something bad happens. As you promised to keep me anonymous. I will tell you what Margol has been planing. Margol is currently in talks with more tribes than you could imagine, Mokdad has realised this and decided to reach out for contact. However, he was not aware that Margol has had friends in tribes and the FU tribe was a setup to get this into motion. I can happily announce that Margol has already re-united the world against JUNK.

katunaka: Can i annonymously qoute you?

Annonymous: i hope you are going to keep me annonymous.
: no way i want my name in this.
: i told you the plan.
: its already in works.

So does that mean mokdad is the main target during this operation? What does this mean for JUNK? Does mokdad have the troops he should have?


Yay another "Anonymous" come out in the open people the fate of the world is already in motion hiding your face doesn't change it.


Active Member
Reaction score
Hmm, interesting little interview you have there, Margol i assume? No one else would be foolish enough to believe that dribble, let alone speak it.

I agree, we are point whores and that is the reason for our number 1 OD, we just enjoy hugging to much so Twstaff decided to give it to us for Christmas just to keep us around.

Lord super quit? Interesting because we had incomings from him along with D being moved around to attempt to kill our troops, that normally doesn't happen on an inactive account unless it was on an update i missed?

LGR had nice villages, He had 500+ incomings from us so we didn't know he had quit until the nukes started hitting.

TheCorolho being our PA? Now this one is just plain ignorant. I would love to know when I had even had a conversation with Corolho until after we started nobling his villages, let alone being PA's, If you are trying to ruin someone reputation please do it with at least some consideration for the truth ok? I am not surprised you did the interview anonymously because the truth and realism has simply been thrown over board with the replies.

A special bridge? Again your ignorance has come to light. I have friends in small tribes way before you, margol started speaking to them. Is your ego that large that you feel like you can talk about yourself in the 3rd person? If i am mistaken and it is not margol then i will be incredibly surprised that there are two players on this world that are as ignorant and arrogant as each other. Do not think that talking about yourself in the 3rd person has fooled anyone here.


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Hmm. Ha. I always knew the guys on mokdad were bad! I tell them everyday in all worlds we are in. Them pt whoring lazy guys (except J, I like him.)

Thank god an anonymous source has called them out. I'm in their tribe and call them out every single day!

Yet I hate to be the players rimmed by pt whoring noobs. That would be just flat out embarrassing.


Lol, how is anyone actually meant to believe either side of the story here? Everyone will just believe what they want to, dependent on their prior reservations


Lol, how is anyone actually meant to believe either side of the story here? Everyone will just believe what they want to, dependent on their prior reservations

Its like a giant soap opera.... But I'm enjoying it!!!


We will see whats what once the nukes start flying. That is going to be an interesting day...


Hmm, interesting little interview you have there, Margol i assume? No one else would be foolish enough to believe that dribble, let alone speak it.

I agree, we are point whores and that is the reason for our number 1 OD, we just enjoy hugging to much so Twstaff decided to give it to us for Christmas just to keep us around.

Lord super quit? Interesting because we had incomings from him along with D being moved around to attempt to kill our troops, that normally doesn't happen on an inactive account unless it was on an update i missed?

LGR had nice villages, He had 500+ incomings from us so we didn't know he had quit until the nukes started hitting.

TheCorolho being our PA? Now this one is just plain ignorant. I would love to know when I had even had a conversation with Corolho until after we started nobling his villages, let alone being PA's, If you are trying to ruin someone reputation please do it with at least some consideration for the truth ok? I am not surprised you did the interview anonymously because the truth and realism has simply been thrown over board with the replies.

A special bridge? Again your ignorance has come to light. I have friends in small tribes way before you, margol started speaking to them. Is your ego that large that you feel like you can talk about yourself in the 3rd person? If i am mistaken and it is not margol then i will be incredibly surprised that there are two players on this world that are as ignorant and arrogant as each other. Do not think that talking about yourself in the 3rd person has fooled anyone here.


Drunk, i don't talk behind people's back.. if i have something against them, i tell them. i wouldn't hide lol. So you are sir are mistaken.


You know that i don't care about what you say, i know it wasn't me so leave me out of it.